Morgan Webb T1GN’s Gaming Goddess

Morgan Ailis Webb is host of the podcast WebbAlert (now defunct), a co-host and senior segment producer of the G4 show X-Play, and was a monthly columnist for FHM, where she contributed a monthly video game column entitled “Tips From The Gaming Goddess”. That is why who else is better suited to be a Gaming Goddess then then a hot intelligent woman that already considers herself one.

I don’t really know why I should tell anybody reading about Morgan Webb because you are all probably die hard G4 fans and Webbheads but I will anyway:

  1. Graduated from UC Berkley with a degree in rhetoric and a minor in Italian.
  2. Was a Gerber baby.
  3. Recited the ingredients of the Big Mac to Pat-a-Cake in a McDonald commercial.
  4. One of only a handful of employees to be allowed to stay on after the jump from Techtv to G4 (San Fransisco to LA).
  5. Married Rob Reid founder of on August 19, 2006.

About the author


Creator of The One Gaming Nation (T1GN), I love to play video games and can be labeled as an Achievement Whore. You will almost always find me on XBL.