Fluffy Sanding Mop Kit

  • $49.95
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A fluffy mop is a less aggressive version of a regular mop. More spacers and a longer mandrel allow the sanding strips to be spread out over a greater distance. How to know which grit(s) to use? Sanding Mop grits available are 80, 120, 180 ,220, & 320. When ordering 2 grits, keep in mind that the most popular combination is the 120 and 220 grit. They are a superior mixture for use on both hardwoods and softwoods. 120g for hardwood, and 220g for softwood. 320 grit - The most substantial time saver when used with spacers for finishing a project.

It does all the in-between coat sanding on carvings and even on assembled raised panel doors. Excellent set up grit for polishers. 80 grit - Very aggressive - for rough hardwood, furniture stripping, log home refinishing, patio furniture. 120 grit - Most popular grit for hardwood mouldings, panel doors, turnings, legs. Exceptional performance when used with stabilizers on routered edges. 180 grit - mainly used on MDF, poplar and other medium hardwoods. Excellent grit in production shops for pine. 220 grit - Our most popular finishing grit. Excellent performance on pine. Can be used with stabilizers for edges or with spacers for initial in between coat sanding. Always in stock!