How Much Does Dental Bonding Cost?

By Family Dentistry & Aesthetics Inc.

How Much Does Dental Bonding Cost_

Are you worried about your chipped, broken, or discolored teeth?

Dentists commonly suggest dental bonding to fix a chipped or cracked tooth or gaps between teeth. Dental bonding is a treatment in which a resin substance is put to the teeth to enhance the appearance of teeth that are broken, chipped, discolored, or have gaps between them between the crowns.

Explaining Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a cosmetic dentistry treatment in which tooth-colored composite material is placed on a tooth, molded into form, cured, and polished. It’s referred to as bonding because the material bonds to the tooth. Dental bonding is appropriate for minor, aesthetic dental procedures, such as repairing a chipped or fractured tooth or sealing tiny spaces between teeth. Because it is more visually pleasing than silver fillings, dental bonding is frequently utilized as a tooth-colored filler for minor cavities.

Cost Of Dental Bonding

Dental bonding involves applying a tooth-colored resin (plastic) composite to a tooth and hardening it using ultraviolet light or a laser. This dental procedure is a simple and quick technique that can be used to restore a damaged tooth with a tooth-colored filling or to improve the appearance of teeth that are discolored, chipped or missing spaces.

For a tooth-colored composite resin cavity filling, a dental bonding process costs between $90-$450, depending on the number of surfaces being filled. Only around half to 80% of dental insurance policies cover this procedure; however, in some cases insurance will pay for the whole cost of a composite filling to replace an old silver amalgam filling.

Moreover, suppose it is just a minor cosmetic dentistry issue. In that case, like to fix a small gap between two teeth or repair a chipped or cracked tooth, the price of the dental bonding ranges around $300-$600 per tooth, but it can range from $100-$200 to $800-$1,000 per tooth depending on the complexity and extent of the bonding process, the prevailing local rates, and the cosmetic dentist’s level of expertise, training, and reputation. Cosmetic dental bonding treatment is typically not covered by dental insurance plans unless it is done for structural reasons.

Dental bonding can be utilized in certain cases to make small adjustments; it may be necessary to employ veneers or crowns if more significant repair is required, which will lead to additional costs. Choose an expert dentist that can conduct the treatment correctly the first time around, so that you don’t have to repeat it and raise the bonding cost per tooth.

Dental Bonding Cost with Insurance

A variety of factors influence whether or not your insurance company covers dental bonding. When it comes to cosmetic dental procedures, such as filling a gap, insurance may not cover them. A portion of the bonding treatment may be covered by insurance if it is necessary for your dental health. Your insurance provider may cover dental bonding if you have a damaged or chipped tooth that needs to be repaired.

Dental Bonding Cost without Insurance

Dental bonding procedures without insurance can cost anywhere from $300 to $600 per tooth, depending on the dentist, the location, the complexity of the therapy, and the practitioner’s experience.

How long does dental bonding usually last?

Dental bonding lasts typically 5 to 10 years before the dentist needs to touch up or replace it with new dental bonding material.

A variety of things influence the average lifespan. Some examples are as follows:

  • The amount of bonding material used.
  • Your teeth’s health and strength.
  • Biting nails, grinding teeth and eating sticky or hard foods. 

Proper Care Tips For Bonded Teeth

Your bonded teeth now require special care and attention since the way you take care of it helps extend their life span. Follow these self-care tips below:

  • avoid hard foods like candies and hard drinks like soda by cleaning your teeth
  • brushing and flossing at least twice a day
  • within the first two days following surgery, refrain from drinking coffee, tea, or using tobacco products to prevent staining (any staining foods)
  • schedule six-monthly dental cleanings

Remember that excellent dental care will lead to a brighter and more attractive smile.

Call Smile Fort Wayne To Learn More About Dental Bonding

A healthy smile boosts confidence. Make an appointment with your dentist to get an evaluation if you’re concerned about discoloration or a chipped tooth. Do not hesitate to contact the most trusted dentist in Fort Wayne. We would be happy to help you make the decision that is right for your oral health and overall well-being. Thank you for reading!

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