Marantha Lemon Lime

Maranta Lemon Lime

Prayer plant


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Pot styles perfect for this plant:

Hubert Pot Taupe
Terracotta Pot Orange
Mia Pot Terra
Perla Pot Creme
Stu Pot Ceramic
    About this plant

    What a beauty, isn’t she? The Maranta Lemon Lime is a very popular plant in this family. We totally understand that. What a beautiful dark green soft leaf this plant has. The striking yellow-green veins finish it off and make it really stand out! Another special feature of this plant is that the leaves of the Marantas move when it is dark. The leaves straighten up and even curl up a little. This looks a bit like praying hands, which is why she is nicknamed the Prayer Plant.

    • Diameter12cm
    • Height±25cm
    • LovesPartly shady
    • BenefitsAir cleaner
    • Pet friendlyNon-toxic

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