Great Pyramid King’s Chamber Finally Demystified?

That would probably be too good to be true, I’ve been confounded by this for the better part of 20 years, and yet revisiting Sir WMF Petrie’s more or less impeccable data, I’m finding some numbers that seem to make a fair amount of sense.

This comes along at something of an awkward time, right in the middle of the first serious effort at examining the deliberateness of the King’s Chamber itself within the Great Pyramid, so this is still not a complete picture, but as of this hour it does look very promising.

Apologies to readers for sharing the whole of the proceedings that have been typed out thus far, but it is an attempt at science and we are hopefully expected to show our data and our calculations as proofs of how we got our answers. A summary of the findings will be included at the end.

As a note of (re-)introduction, 1.02734074006 will be seen in some of the ratios. This is the inverse form of 80 Remens, which is the inner sarcen circle diameter of Stonehenge, the distance from the Great Pyramid entrance to the Ascending Passage, and for intents and purposes, 100 Roman Feet.

1 / 1.027340740 = 97.33868823 / 100.

This inverted figure seems to turn up readily when ratios are low as if an ancient favorite, both in data from Verner for the size of Cheops’ Queen’s Pyramids (G1a-G1c), and in Petrie’s data describing the King’s Coffer itself, where slight irregularities may have deliberate mathematical meaning.

April 30, 2020

I hope I did this right… While attempting to revisit the data concerning the height of the King’s Chamber according to Petrie, I decided to try to see if his data could answer long-standing questions about how much deliberateness might have gone into the placement of the inner features.

The first diagram attempts to show distances from the edge of a horizontal plane at the height of the King’s Chamber floor, to the walls of the King’s Chamber, as viewed from above

One thing that seems immediately noticeable here is the longer distance from the edge to the King’s Chamber, 279.5468823 ft, would appear to be ten times the height of the theoretical missing apex section. The metrology may be the mystery unit of 1.676727954 ft, which has been shown to be related to the Pied du Roi and other metrological units, through the geometry of circles.

Height missing apex section 27.9454657 ft. 1.676727043 / (12 / 2) x 100 = 27.9454657 ft

226.5722948 / 12 = 18.88102459; 226.5722948 x 12 = 2718.867538 = ~2719.256444

Something immediately noticeable here is the vertical distance from the top of the King’s Chamber to the proposed height to the missing apex section is 292.0452239 ft; 240 x Remen 1.216733603 ft = 292.0160647 ft.

Several other things seems to stand out here – one is the similar between the slope to the height of the bottom of the King’s Chamber, 188.9994273 – compare 226.5722948 / 12 = 18.88102459. It will be a good question whether this is meant to represent the Half Venus Cycle of about ~18980, or whether perhaps this is the surfacing of a neglected mathematical constant*

Another is that the height to the top of the King’s Chamber, 160.3441182 ft, seems to be approximately 1/2 of the height from the top of the King’s Chamber to the apex, 320.7767183 ft. 320.7767183 / 2 = 160.3883592 ft.

What might further consideration of this model reveal?

* 18 Jul 2019 05:00

…1888202397 is high in a Radian series. It came from VOP (standard) / 2) x 360^4. We can see a lot (relatively speaking) of Giza and Stonehenge data in it by applying the Radian 57.29577951

1888202397 / R^1 = 329.5534721 = 1.962076285 x (360^3)
1888202397 / R^2 = 575.1793148 = concave apothem Great Pyramid without apex section? (under review)
1888202397 / R^3 = 1.003877283 = 24901.19742 / ((2 Pi) / 3
1888202397 / R^4 = 1752.096388 = 365.0200808 x 24 x 2 = 6 Meg Ft x ((2 Pi)^3)
1888202397 / R^5 = 305.7985078 = inner sarcen circle circumference of Stonehenge
1888202397 / R^6 = 5.337190810 = half Pied du Roi = 1.067438159 / 2
1888202397 / R^7 = 9.315155244 – Volume / Base area ratio of Cheops missing apex section

My latest thoughts on the King’s Chamber aren’t perfectly clear. Note the part about 107.7 / 12 = 8.975. Did they hide Aubrey Circle math next to the King’s Chamber?

Apr 29, 2020

I went back for another look at the Great Pyramid’s King and Queen’s Chambers. These have never been solved to my satisfaction, and many things might be worth review as more is learned about relationships between metrological units and how they might have been used to indicate an increasing number of calendar numbers.

Only a year ago, I think I was content if the moon were referenced through the Lunar Value. By now, it’s coming to light that a number of lunar cycles may be referenced.

The data I have on my sheet for the King and Queen’s Chambers gives for the height of the King’s Chamber

Lehner – 19.02887139
Petrie – —–?
Vyse – 19.08333333
Capt – 19.21827659

Capt’s data usually appear to come from Petrie and is typically fairly consistent with Petrie’s data. The figure as Capt presents it makes it look like “Ellifinos” which may now be correctly identified as 1.8 Pied du Rois = 1.8 x 1.067438159 = 1.921388691. I probably shouldn’t call the Pied du Roi by that name, but am still in search of an older reference than Hashimi Cubit, since the unit appears to date back further to ancient Egypt.

I have been years trying to figure out what the “Ellifino” is that bears multiple relationships to established ancient units of measurement, and here it turns out to be a division of the Pied du Roi value of 1.067438159 ft. Perhaps I should have had more faith in my own work and findings.

I went back to check why the entry for Petrie is blank here. The caption for plate 13 from Pyramids and Temples of Giza Online 

includes (referring to values in inches)

“Mean course 47.040 +/- .013, Mean 5 courses 235.20 +/- .00 (or illegible), Chamber height 230.9 +/- .15”

230.9 – .15 = 230.75; 230.9 + .15 = 231.05 – so according to Petrie, the height value would plausibly be between 230.75 = 19.22916667 and 19.254166666, which is at least nearer to Capt’s estimate than to the data from Lehner or Vyse (Lehner’s data generally being second-hand in the first place.

230.9 / 12 = 19.24166666 ft

Perhaps Petrie should have given his figures a slightly higher tolerance if I am reading them right from Plate 13.

47.040 / 4 = 1.176
235.20 / 200 = 1.176

Near to Alternate Pi 1.177245771.

Just before section 56 of Pyramids and Temples of Giza, Petrie states

“The position of the King’s Chamber in the Pyramid is defined thus: N. wall at base 330.6 ± .8 S. of centre of Pyramid; S. wall 537.0 ± .8 from centre; E. wall (284.4 ± 20.7) = 305.1 ± 3.0 E. of centre; W. wall 107.7 ± 3.0 W. of centre. Base of walls 1686.3 to 1688.5 ± .6 above pavement; actual floor 1691.4 to 1693.7 ± .6 above pavement; ceiling 1921.6 to 1923.7 ± .6 above pavement.”

Mean values: of 1686.3 to 1688.5 = 1687.5; of 1691.4 to 1693.7 = 1692.55; of 1921.6 to 1923.7 = 1922.65

1922.65 – 1692.55 = 230.1000000 = 19.175 ft
1922.65 – 1687.5 = 235.1500000 = 19.595833333 ft
1692.55 – 1687.5 = 5.049999999 = .4208333333 ft

This more readily gives a King’s Chamber height (from floor) of about 18 Pied du Rois, although the figure of 19.17264383 exists – 2 x Squared Munck Megalithic Yard x 360 x 360 = 1917264.383, so perhaps 19.17264383 also deserves some consideration before any final interpretations are decided upon, as perhaps some of the numbers slightly larger 

19.595833333 could be 19.62076285 ((1 / 1.622311470) / Pi), although last night I was working with numbers that suggested perhaps 19.69683810, which I will have to get to momentarily.

Returning to the key passages, “The position of the King’s Chamber in the Pyramid is defined thus: N. wall at base 330.6 ± .8 S. of centre of Pyramid; S. wall 537.0 ± .8 from centre; E. wall (284.4 ± 20.7) = 305.1 ± 3.0 E. of centre; W. wall 107.7 ± 3.0 W. of centre. Base of walls 1686.3 to 1688.5 ± .6 above pavement; actual floor 1691.4 to 1693.7 ± .6 above pavement; ceiling 1921.6 to 1923.7 ± .6 above pavement.”

inches to feet conversion and some possible metrological considerations

330.6 / 12 = 27.55 = Anomalistic Month 27.55 and/or 25 long Indus Feet = 16 Long Royal Cubits (Silbury Cubit), in which case 27.55 may in fact represent 1/10 of the radius of Silbury Hill, 27.52186571 ft, perhaps too low to be an Anomalistic Month figure = ~Greek Foot x Megalithic Yard? = ~”Roman Foot” in inches x Ubaid Cubit?

Noting here that (27.55 / 1.2167^2 = 186.1035198), a link between two calendar figures, the Anomalistic Month in days and the number of years in the Nodal Precession Cycle of ~6793 days

537.0 / 12 = 44.75 = ~Long Count B Builder in Ubaid Cubits of ~2.632 ft = ~(26 Silbury Cubits – invalid) = ~1/2 Pied du Roi x Palestinian Cubit? = ~((5 / 1.177245771) / 2) x Palestinian Cubit = ~(1.676727943 / 4) x Pied du Roi = ~(38 Megalithic Feet – invalid but near to Venus Cycle x Megalithic Foot) 

305.1 / 12 = 25.425 = ~2 Royal Cubits x Squared Munck Meg Yard = ~12 Palestinian Cubits = ~1.5 Nippur Cubits = ~216 / 10 Megalithic Feet; may be in the Equatorial Circumference 2 Pi series? 

107.7 / 12 = 8.975 = ~Venus Cycle x Ubaid Cubit = ~David Kenworthy circumference Aubrey Circle 897.6 (I have a similar slightly larger figure. Although both estimates may take about a .4 foot liberty with Thom’s data, they both show considerable justification. 8.975 = ~84/10 Pied du Rois (invalid) = ~33 Megalithic Yards (Kenworthy after Thom but in my realm more likely Indus Feet x Megalithic Yards) = ~1.213 Squared Megalithic Yards = ~4 Petrie Stonehenge Units in inches, related to Pied du Roi.

537.0 / 330.6 = 1.6243194192 = 1.622311470 I presume
537.0 / 305.1 = 1.7600786627 = ~16 short Indus Feet = ~(sqrt 3.75) / (Indus Foot^2)?
537.0 / 107.7 = 4.9860724233 = 5???
330.6 / 305.1 = 1.0835791543 = 1.081540977 (1.067438159 / Pi^2)?? 
330.6 / 107.7 = 3.0696378830 = (5 Remens)^2
305.1 / 107.7 = 2.8328690807 = ~9 Pi = ~2.4 Alternate Pi (1 / Lunar Calendar Year A)

Max values
1923.7 / 1693.7 = 1.13579736671
1693.7 / 1687.5 = 1.003674074074 = ~Equatorial 2 Pi root

Min values
1921.6 / 1691.4 = 1.1361002719
1691.4 / 1686.3 = 1.003024372887 =~Mean 2 Pi root

1923.7 / 1922.65 = 1.000546121
1923.7 / 1921.6 = 1.0010928393
1922.65 / 1921.6 = 1.0005464196

These ratios may suggest that there isn’t a meaningful max / min, max / mean, or mean / min scheme at work for this parameter, at least not in the way data? The most useful thing near to this range that I know of would be 1.000723277

We may observe that for 

Mean values: of 1686.3 to 1688.5 = 1687.5; of 1691.4 to 1693.7 = 1692.55; of 1921.6 to 1923.7 = 1922.65

1922.65 – 1692.55 = 230.1000000 = 19.175 ft
1922.65 – 1687.5 = 235.1500000 = 19.595833333 ft
1692.55 – 1687.5 = 5.049999999 = .4208333333 ft

19.59583333 / 19.175 = 1.02194697955 = ~Mayan Wonder Number 1.021521078

19.62076280 / 19.21388691 would be 1.021176136, not as useful a number as 1.021521078 but has at least limited uses such as 1.090043275 / 1.067438159 = 1.021176136

The suggestion here is that since the floor of the King’s Chamber as described is higher than the base of its walls, that the ratio between wall height and height from floor may be the magic Mayan Wonder number 1.021521078 that is also built into the model of the Cheops Pyramid’s pyramidion, but it isn’t yet certain. A very important number 1.019328359 is always near to 1.021521078 and worth consideration as well.

19.21388691 x 1.021521078 = 19.627390468
19.17264383 x 1.021521078 = 19.585259793
19.21388691 x 1.019328359 = 19.585259813
19.17264383 x 1.019328359 = 19.543219572

The best answer to this data may be

19.17264383 x 1.021521078 = 19.585259793 or
19.21388691 x 1.019328359 = 19.585259813

For either of these, 19.585259793 = 7.2 Alternate e’ Megalithic Yards

As much as 1.021521078 is full of wonderful surprises, if we are supposed to apply the Great Pyramid’s 2 Pi perimeter / height ratio, 1.019328359 may be the better responder to 2 Pi.

I’m not quite sure yet if 19.585259813 is a convincing responder to 2 Pi, but it may be. It was one of Munck’s coordinates for the Cholula pyramid, so it’s probably been well tested against to Pi. In fact, it is itself 2 x ((2 Pi)^5) = 19.585259813 / 10^n.

It may still take me some time, and more experimentation, to make sense of all of this, but I’m pleased with how it’s gone so far.

May 02, 2020

I’m bothered by not having a solution for the King’s Chamber after all these years. I’ve subjected the King’s Chamber and Queen’s Chamber to metrological analysis before to see what missing figures might give the most pleasing results in multiple metrologies – Cubits, Remens, and 4 different Meg Yards at least – which raised some interesting possibilities, but somehow no definitive scheme.

I sat down to work with Petrie’s figures again and ended up more confused than ever about the King’s Chamber somehow.

I’d discovered that a possible height of 19.17264383 seems to give a pleasing result for volume, and seems to behave similarly to 19.21388691, so I was encouraged to try to sort out how it might be both of these – if these are perhaps valid min and mean figures, for example – but I think I might have gotten more than I bargained for and I think it’s gotten difficult to sort out the possibilities given that the wall heights and floor height are different, with their raw mean values differing by about .25 Royal Cubit.

If we subtract 19.21388691 from 19.17264383, we get 19.21388691 – 19.17264383 = 0.0412430800. If we add this to a possible mean of 19.21388691 to project a hypothetical maximum value, we get 19.21388691 + 0.0412430800 = 19.25512999.

This is close to an actual valid constant of 19.25521872, to an a very impressive accuracy of .999995391. This is 190.0413914 / (Pi^2), and 190.0413914 might be important because it’s frequently seen but often neglected because it isn’t a target Half Venus Cycle figure. 19.00413914 could be these numbers’ top answer to the number 19 as well, but I’ve never really investigated this.

The volume of the King’s Chamber based on a hypothetical height of 19.25521872, of 113.7795528 cubit feet raw, refined to a long anticipated 11378.00777 by adjusting the raw value 19.25512999 to a valid 19.25521872before calculating volume.

1137.800777 = mean circumference sarcen circle x 360 = 1/2 perimeter Cheops pyramidion x (360^2)
= 12.19350970 x 2 x (360^3) (12.19350970 = 360 / 29.52390320)

1137.800777 = 2882.083037 x ((2 Pi)^2) = 73.0040161 x ((2 Pi)^4) = (SMMY / 4) x ((2 Pi)^6) = (1.177245771 / 4) x ((2 Pi)^8) = 125 / 1.676727943 x ((2 Pi)^10) = 1.88837253 x ((2 Pi)^12)

However, taking 19.21388691 to be the maximum rather than the mean, and 19.17264383 as the likely mean value, gives a projected minimum of about 19.17264383 – (19.21388691 – 19.17264383) = 19.131400749 which gives a projected volume of about 1130.48431 cubit feet. 

That is acceptably close to the value of 1130.155939 = 11154.19203 / (Pi^2) and returns a valid height figure of 191.2584369 which is probably a valid form of Half Venus Cycle / (2 Pi).

At least four other figures have managed to enter the scene – 19.09859317 (60 / Pi), 19.46773764, 19.46773764 / (Pi^2) = 19.72494221, 19.11230674 (1.216733603 x 5 x Pi = sqrt 365.2840915), possibly 19.73920880 (2 x (Pi^2), and of course 19.62075285 ((1 / 1.622311470) / Pi) and 19.69683810 we already under discussion. 19.15352023 ((Pi^3) / 1.618829140) might also belong in the discussion.

Some volume figures based on various height values, taking for granted width and length of ten by twenty Morton Royal Cubits of 1.718873385 ft.

height times length times width equals volume:
19.09859317 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11285.456923

Floor to Ceiling
19.11240674 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11293.61943 = 243 x sqrt 2160
19.12584369 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11301.559395 = 1.115419203 / (Pi^2)
19.15352023 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11317.913605 = 4.527165432 / 4 = 480.3471730 x 23561.94490
19.17264383 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11329.213838 = previously unknown, see details later in post
19.21388691 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11353.58458 = see details later in post
19.25521872 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11378.007766 = see details ealier in post
Bottom of Walls to Ceiling 
19.46773764* 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11503.58628 = 15552 / 1.351926225 = 15552 / (1 / (SMMY)
19.585259793 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11573.03073 = unknown
19.62075285 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11594.00967 = (Radian^3) / 1.618829140
19.69683810 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11638.96292 = 38880 / (RSMY^2)^2
19.72494221 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11655.5697919 = 72 x 1.618829140
19.73920880 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11664.00000 = 9 x (360^2)
19.78167065 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11689.090918 = .012 x Pi^4 = 9929.184894 x 1.177245771 = 471.2388980 x 24805.02134 = inner sarcen circle area of Stonehenge / (Pi / 2)

Additionally, several days ago I was looking at what may be a noteworthy series based on 1.154923003, which may also be in my most recent work from Rio Bec as 360 / 3.117090915 (estimated at about 3.116…), but I’m a bit skeptical of the associated 19.54498141 value at first sight, although one of the raw calculations gives what could be another possible value around 19.5, which might be 1.950302762  or 1.950961546.

The most impressive thing for them to do might be to mean as many of these as possible, or at least as many as do make good sense. 11664.00000 probably makes sense to a number of people, and 
11655.5697919 = ~29.52390318 x ((2 Pi)^2) may also make some sense? 11378.007766 and 11301.559395 were also mentioned previously as sensible figures.

The easy answer of course is that the King’s Chamber is simply 18 Pied du Rois from ceiling to floor, but there’s a good possibility here that deliberate imperfections were also utilized to express a broader range of numbers. It could make for a mathematical statement fit for a King, but if so, understanding it is probably going to take both better organization of data for comparison, and developing some sort of more complete set of criteria.

One possible additional criteria may be the resulting calculated height from the pavement, or that, relative to the ceiling height. Petrie gives 1686.3 to 1688.5 inches as the height from pavement to King’s Chamber ceiling, or about 160.133333 to 160.3083333 ft. 

One very possible target figure in this range is 160 x 1.000723277 = 160.1157243.

Several remainders from 160.1157243 resemble 16th of the Half Venus Cycle

160.1157243 – 19.72494221 = 140.39078209 = 2246.2525134 / 16
160.1157243 – 19.69683810 = 140.4188862 = 2246.7021792 / 16
160.1157243 – 19.62075285 = 140.49497145 = 2247.9195432 / 16

The figures don’t quite seem to go low enough for ~140 something to be sqrt 2 or the HSMF or 12 x 1.177245771, but I’m not entirely certain of that.

A volume figure of 19.21388691 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11353.58458 had been under consideration for a long time, but what started all the trouble was 

19.17264383 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11329.213838. 

This unknown figure turned out to be, like 11353.58458, responsive to 360 and the Radian, the complements of the Great Pyramid’s 2 Pi perimeter / height ratio.

11329.213838 / (360^4) = 57.29777951 x 1.177245771
11329.213838 / (360^5) = 1.873644835, Petrie Stonehenge Unit in feet
11329.213838 / (360^6) = 5.204568987 (outer lintel circle radius of Stonehenge)
11329.213838 / (360^7) = 1.445713608 (unknown)
11329.213838 / (360^8) = 1 / 24901.19742
11329.213838 / (57.29577951^3) = 1.051257833 = 52562.89165 ( see Munck on El Castillo pyramid: “4 corners x 4 staircases x 9 terraces x 365 steps = 52,560”) = 2.920160646 x 360 = (cbrt 24901.19742) x 360 = 13140.82291 / 1.25
11329.213838 / (57.29577951^4) = 1.834790147 = 3.669580294 / 2 = sqrt 3366.454884 = 1.5 x Aubrey Circle Number 224.403256
11329.213838 / (57.29577951^5) = 32.02314485 = 1/2 perimeter / height Mycerinus pyramid
11329.213838 / (57.29577951^6) = 5.589093145 most important Aubrey Circle “56” approximation
11329.213838 / (57.29577951^7) = 1 / 1.025135528 Mayan Wonder Number
11329.213838 / (57.29577951^8) = 1.702535133, possible new Egyptian Wonder Number from an ancient Egyptian temple. How not to confuse that with a Karnak Cubit of about 1.700, but 1.702535133 does seem to keep turning up.

Thus the figure of 19.17264383 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11329.213838  would be very difficult to dismiss for giving nonsensical results, because it doesn’t, and the appearance of the Equatorial Circumference of Earth in miles is also part of what is attractive about 

19.21388691 * 17.18873385 * (17.18873385 * 2) = 11353.58458

11353.58458 x sqrt ht Great Pyramid, unpaved =  24901.19742 / 10^n

I don’t know if this will help, but here is another attempt to search for definitive ratios between floor-to-ceiling and bottom-of-walls-to-ceiling figures

Floor to Ceiling
19.11240674, 19.12584369, 19.15352023, 19.17264383, 19.21388691, 19.25521872 
Bottom of Walls to Ceiling 
19.46773764, 19.585259793, 19.62075285, 19.69683810, 19.72494221, 19.73920880

19.46773764 / 19.11240674 = 1.0185916355
19.46773764 / 19.12584369 = 1.0178760192
19.46773764 / 19.15352023 = 1.0164052041
19.46773764 / 19.17264383, = 1.0153913989
19.46773764 / 19.21388691 = 1.0132118363
19.46773764 / 19.25521872 = 1.0110369517
19.585259793 / 19.11240674 = 1.0247406336
19.585259793 / 19.12584369 = 1.0240206973
19.585259793 / 19.15352023 = 1.0225410033
19.585259793 / 19.17264383 = 1.0215210779
19.585259793 / 19.21388691 = 1.0193283579
19.585259793 / 19.25521872  = 1.0171403440
19.62075285 / 19.11240674 = 1.02659770257
19.62075285 / 19.12584369 = 1.0258764616
19.62075285 / 19.15352023 = 1.0243940860
19.62075285 / 19.17264383 = 1.0233723123
19.62075285 / 19.21388691 = 1.02117561854
19.62075285 / 19.25521872  = 1.0189836394
19.69683810 / 19.11240674 = 1.03057863763
19.69683810 / 19.12584369 = 1.02985459984
19.69683810  / 19.15352023 = 1.0283664758
19.69683810  / 19.17264383 = 1.0273407399
19.69683810  / 19.21388691 = 1.02513552787
19.69683810  / 19.25521872 = 1.02293504874
19.72494221 / 19.11240674 = 1.0320491018
19.72494221 / 19.12584369 = 1.03132403096
19.72494221 / 19.15352023 = 1.0298337837
19.72494221 / 19.17264383 = 1.0288065842
19.72494221 / 19.21388691 = 1.02659822566
19.72494221 / 19.25521872 = 1.02439460682
19.73920880 / 19.11240674 = 1.03279555884
19.73920880 / 19.12584369 = 1.03206996354
19.73920880 / 19.15352023 = 1.03057863844
19.73920880 / 19.17264383 = 1.0295506960
19.73920880 / 19.21388691 = 1.0273407401
19.73920880 / 19.25521872 = 1.02513552751

We see it’s easy to generate numbers, but not always easy to generate GOOD numbers.

Let’s mark them up a bit by highlighting some known and trusted figures that might belong to valid pairs

19.46773764 / 19.11240674 = 1.0185916355
19.46773764 / 19.12584369 = 1.0178760192
19.46773764 / 19.15352023 = 1.0164052041
19.46773764 / 19.17264383, = 1.0153913989
19.46773764 / 19.21388691 = 1.0132118363
19.46773764 / 19.25521872 = 1.0110369517
19.585259793 / 19.11240674 = 1.0247406336
19.585259793 / 19.12584369 = 1.0240206973
19.585259793 / 19.15352023 = 1.0225410033
19.585259793 / 19.17264383 = 1.0215210779
19.585259793 / 19.21388691 = 1.0193283579
19.585259793 / 19.25521872  = 1.0171403440
19.62075285 / 19.11240674 = 1.02659770257
19.62075285 / 19.12584369 = 1.0258764616
19.62075285 / 19.15352023 = 1.0243940860
19.62075285 / 19.17264383 = 1.0233723123
19.62075285 / 19.21388691 = 1.02117561854
19.62075285 / 19.25521872  = 1.0189836394
19.69683810 / 19.11240674 = 1.03057863763
19.69683810 / 19.12584369 = 1.02985459984
19.69683810  / 19.15352023 = 1.0283664758
19.69683810  / 19.17264383 = 1.0273407399
19.69683810  / 19.21388691 = 1.02513552787
19.69683810  / 19.25521872 = 1.02293504874
19.72494221 / 19.11240674 = 1.0320491018
19.72494221 / 19.12584369 = 1.0313240309
19.72494221 / 19.15352023 = 1.0298337837
19.72494221 / 19.17264383 = 1.0288065842
19.72494221 / 19.21388691 = 1.02659822566
19.72494221 / 19.25521872 = 1.02439460682
19.73920880 / 19.11240674 = 1.03279555884
19.73920880 / 19.12584369 = 1.03206996354
19.73920880 / 19.15352023 = 1.03057863844
19.73920880 / 19.17264383 = 1.0295506960
19.73920880 / 19.21388691 = 1.0273407401
19.73920880 / 19.25521872 = 1.02513552751

Given these interactions (and some other considerations) I’m quite tempted to take 19.17264383, 19.21388691, 19.25521872 as min, mean and max of a valid set for the height of the chamber (floor to ceiling) and either

19.69683810, 19.73920880 and 19.78167065 or

19.46773764, 19.585259793, and 19.69683810

As the valid min, max, and mean of a valid set for the height of the walls.

19.78167065 is a proposed “Polar Pole” – 19.78167065 x 4 Pi = 24858.38047 Polar Circumference of Earth in Miles / 100

I will go back and add 19.78167065 to the volume calculations to see what happens – neither anything objectionable, nor anything definitive, I suppose.

Let’s run one more set of these then for 19.78167065 

19.78167065 / 19.11240674 = 1.035017249219
19.78167065 / 19.12584369 = 1.03429009306
19.78167065 / 19.15352023 = 1.0327955599
19.78167065 / 19.17264383 = 1.031765406242 – !!!
19.78167065 / 19.21388691 = 1.02955069700
19.78167065 / 19.25521872 = 1.02734074006

Rather than tolerate the mulilation of the half Royal Cubit in inches,

19.46773764, 19.585259793, and 19.69683810 may be the intended min, mean, and max of the wall height of the King’s Chamber, even if the addition of 19.46773763 to the mix results in some lackluster figures?

It may require a little explanation why 19.69683810  / 19.25521872 = 1.02293504874 is included in this picture. This figure is not my list, although I may have begun to encounter it recently.

We should hope that as part of the Great Pyramid that it responds to 2 Pi, although not necessarily so – but all that seems to produce is the ECEM/PCEM ratio 24901.19742 / 24858.28047 = 1.022935048 x ((2 Pi)^5) – a meaningful ratio but not the most useful constant, to put it mildly. Yet it is also (24883.2 / 2) / (1.067438159^3).

It is (29.52390315 / 4) x (1.177245771^2), and 29.52390315 is currently the premiere A value for the Lunar Month. It is linked to the premiere A value for the Half Venus Cycle 18983.99124 by the number 15552 that was discovered as an important astronomical value when experimenting with ways to calculate from parts of Mayan “Monster Mouth” doorways.

It is (2 / (height Cheops Pyramidion in Royal Cubits)) / (Pi / 3)^4 with the recent Wonder Number 1.174718782 … nother-one as part of the series

(2 / (height Cheops Pyramidion in Royal Cubits) turns out to be part of a beautiful (Pi / 3) chain that goes even higher than 19.50961550 before losing coherence – in fact it’s a lavish classic Mayan series (Pi / 3) series shifted by a ratio of 1:2.

Thus 1.022935048 is a powerful “(Pi / 3) root” that responds to (Pi / 3) as a data retrieval tool to the 16th power, or perhaps more if more numbers in the series are understood. The Cubit-like figure from 

The Radian as a probe readily finds 1/2 of the Half Venus Cycle A value, one of the two primary values for the HVC.

1.022935048 / (57.29577951^4) = 18983.99124 / 2. 

3116.038450 is also part of the chain as is 1.656665762 (5 / Munck Perimeter Great Pyramid 3018.110298 ft), and the Radian can also find an unknown figure for the HVC at the top of the chain as

1.022935048 x (57.29577951^3) = 18989.59495, which may or may not have been intended.

18989.59495 is linked by 15552 to 29.53261807, an apparently unknown Lunar Month figure. Both figures may merit further investigation and addition to the calendar table for future reference.

So 1.022935048 has a reason for being, and a reason for being part of the internal relationships between the King’s Chamber values, and there is no doubt more to learn about it. By definition as demonstrated here, 1.022935048 is a Wonder Number in its own right.

Have the proportions of the King’s Chamber by original design finally been solved then?

At very least, this seems to be by far the best effort to date, but it may be coherent enough to actually be correct.

Let’s hope we’ve finally got it this time, and see what else time will tell us.


Suggested min, mean, and max values from floor to ceiling in feet
19.17264383, 19.21388691, 19.25521872

Suggested min, mean, and max values from base of walls to ceiling in feet
19.46773764, 19.585259793, and 19.69683810

The mean value for height from floor to ceiling of 19.21388691 ft is 18 Pied du Rois of 1.067438159 ft (with the Pied du Rois obviously having a history going much further back than being the French Foot), as has been suspected for the better part of 20 years. Geoffrey Bath has independently found the unit in use at Megalithic Sites. I’ve found it to be one of THE most important numbers as Stonehenge.

The minimum value for height from base of walls to ceiling of 19.46773764 ft = 16 Remens of 1.216733603 feet, the main value I have always used.

–Luke Piwalker

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