homage to the weekly world news (1979-2007)


The world of journalism was rocked when America Media, Inc. announced that it was suspending publication of the Weekly World News. Citing the general decline of print newspapers, AMI will run two more original issues and then a few more reprints before it shuts down in late August.

I’m sad. You gotta love any paper claiming to be “America’s Only Reliable Newspaper” and gives you a classic “I’m having bigfoot’s baby” story. Here are some good ones, let’s have a last laugh for old time’s sake:


No – that isn’t Chelsea she’s holding!!


I saw this guy in the local Bass Pro Shop.


This one made me want to work in political sociology.


Strangely, Bat Boy and I share the same taste in cars.

A few other links:

There will never be another quite like you… may you rest in peace.

Written by fabiorojas

July 29, 2007 at 4:54 am