Julian Schnabel’s Palazzo Chupi Sinks From $59 M. to $38 M.

Julian Schnabel, who had to suffer the indignity of offering up the penthouse triplex and duplex at his West Village

Julian Schnabel, who had to suffer the indignity of offering up the penthouse triplex and duplex at his West Village wonderland Palazzo Chupi for rent a week ago, has given those grand spaces yet another multimillion-dollar price cut.

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One year ago, when his asking price for the triplex was $32 million and the duplex’s tag was $27 million, it would have taken $59 million to buy the two together; by this January, that number had fallen to $41 million. According to the listings Web site StreetEasy, Mr. Schnabel now wants a mere $38 million for the two. (On the bright side, at least he’s not auctioning off the 3,713-square-foot triplex penthouse or 3,963-square-foot duplex.)

At his new asking price, Mr. Schnabel is still asking more than $5,000 per square foot, which means the artist-cum-developer may need another price cut or two before Chupi’s sprawls sell. Listing broker Peter McCuen—who told The Observer in January that “there wasn’t a lot of discussion” over pricing—did not return an email.

Julian Schnabel’s Palazzo Chupi Sinks From $59 M. to $38 M.