Once upon a time there was a woman. Most know her as Lost, or Nel, or Nellie. She writes fic. She reads. She's in love with Robert Carlyle. She ships a lot of things. She's a foodie, and works in a kitchen store. Chocolate is as necessary as air.  Jane Eyre is her favorite book. 
She is Queer, Pansexual, Cis, a Wiccan, a feminist, a dog lover, an Anglophile. A few other favorite things include: Leverage, Blacklist, Once Upon a Time, Anyelle, Criminal Minds, Doctor Who (Classic and New) Jossverse, Hustle, Disney, Jane Austen, Aaron Sorkin, and too many shows to name.
Posted 8 years ago on 25 September 2015 WITH 49 notes »reblog

Statler and Waldorf are an old gay couple and you will never convince me otherwise.

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    ^ my coming out post
  3. prepares reblogged this from nothingeverlost and added:
    @shinanoeiji @seodore
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  6. thenightling reblogged this from rumpledspinster and added:
    I kind of figured they were too. Think about it. They always sit together in the balcony. I get the impression that they...
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    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuCQQmJM8vE Gay puppets FTW
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