Cartoon skeletal system

24/05/2012 § Legg igjen en kommentar

Great fun. Says a thing or two .. about something ..


Michael Paulus is an artist,  filmmaker and sometimes music composer currently living in Portland, Oregon. This is a cool series entitled Skeletal Systems, he wanted to «take a select few of these popular characters and render their skeletal systems as [he] imagined they might look if one truly had eye sockets half the size of its head, or fingerless hands, or feet comprising 60% of it’s body mass.»  Michael has placed each character on a translucent, hinged panel. When the panel is lifted, an ink drawing of the skeletal system is revealed in the same pose.

Michael is curious about the human and scientific intervention and interpretation of culture and the natural world – the control of it and the intersection of knowledge, faith, and perception.

If you can’t get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you’d best teach it to dance.George Bernard Shaw


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