Strange Attractors

Roberto Musci
2 min readNov 1, 2022

Strange Attractors is a musical project of 4 NFT , linked to the theories of chaotic attractors in the Chaos theory.

The term ‘Strange Attractor’ is used to describe an attractor that displays sensitive dependence on initial conditions which are initially close on the attractor but become exponentially separated with time, creating a chaotic system.

A strange attractor is special in that it can predict certain characteristics of a chaotic pattern in great detail without being able to assign a specific spatial location to the pattern.

The most famous strange attractor is undoubtedly the Lorenz attractor : a three dimensional object whose body plan resembles a butterfly or a mask. The Lorenz attractor, named for its discoverer Edward N. Lorenz, arose from a mathematical model of the atmosphere.

Imagine a rectangular slice of air heated from below and cooled from above by edges kept at constant temperatures. This is our atmosphere in its simplest description. The bottom is heated by the earth and the top is cooled by the void of outer space. Within this slice, warm air rises and cool air sinks. The state of the atmosphere in this model can be described by three time-evolving variables.The Lorenz attractor was the first strange attractor, but there are many systems of equations that give rise to strange attractors.

Music linked to NFTs is a new and different way of distributing and listening to music, no longer linked to physical or digital media but the possibility of having images, videos and music to experience a musical project.

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Roberto Musci

I am a musician and video artist, I have recorded several discs and created videos and NTFs