Can I travel to India if my Indian passport is about to expire?

India Visa
2 min readDec 25, 2023
India visa apply online

Travelling to India can be an exciting and enriching experience. However, if you are an Indian citizen and your passport is about to expire, you may be concerned about whether you can still travel to India. In this blog, we will learn about the rules and regulations regarding travelling to India with an expired Indian passport.

Understanding Passport Expiry Rules

When it comes to travelling internationally, it is common for countries to have specific rules regarding passport expiration dates. These rules have been made to ensure the safety of passengers. In the case of India, the Government of India requires that your passport be valid for at least six months from your expected departure date from India.

Applying for an Indian Visa

To travel to India, even if you hold an Indian passport, you are required to obtain an India visa. The visa application process can be completed online through the VisitsVisa company. It is important to note that the validity of your visa will depend on the validity of your passport. Therefore, if your passport is about to expire, it is recommended to renew it before applying for an Indian Visa.

Renewing Your Indian Passport

If your Indian passport is about to expire or has expired and you want to travel to India, it is very important to renew your passport before travelling. This can be done at your nearest Indian Embassy or Consulate. The process generally involves filling out an application form, submitting the required documents, and paying the required fees.

Traveling with an Expired Indian Passport

In some cases, if your Indian passport has expired and you do not have enough time to renew it before your trip, you may still be able to travel to India. They will be able to guide you on the necessary steps and provide you with the necessary documents such as an emergency travel document. However, this will require additional documentation and may cause delays or problems during your travel. You need to contact the Indian Embassy or Consulate and explain your situation.


Finally, if you are an Indian citizen and your passport is about to expire, it is recommended to renew it before travelling to India. This will ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey, as well as compliance with Government of India rules and regulations. Applying for an Indian visa can be done online through the VisitsVisa company, but remember that the validity of your visa is linked to the validity of your passport. In case of any emergency or last-minute travel, it is possible to travel to India with an expired passport, but this may involve additional documentation and potential complications. Therefore, it is always best to plan and ensure that your passport is valid when you travel.

