2 min readJun 10, 2020


Life of a Tigon
The beauty of life is discovering what you love doing, what give you a great amount of joy ,lights up your heart and doing all of those things to the fullest.
I discovered my love and passion for animals while growing up,now I just put it into writing.Lately, I find wild life more adventurous and make different research on it , everyday I discover a new and even more beautiful animal out there and the hybrids have all the attention. Thinking there were only ligers out there were hybrids, I discovered that I thought wrong and that there are many hybrids.I found out about Panthera Tigris × panthera Leo which is the scientific name for Tigons/Tiglons.
Tigons are the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion which is amazing in my opinion and this also made me realize that not only humans have really complicated lives. Tiglons exhibit visible characteristics from both parents which reminds me of the saying, “The apple doesn't fall far from the tree”.
A male tigons mane is shorter and less noticeable. People tend to wonder if Tigons are sterile I included, but they aren't. They can produce but 50% of the time.
A female tigon is bred with either a male lion or tiger to create another hybrid species and the offspring is called a titigon(tiger×tigon) and a litigon(lion×tigon).The cubs look like golden tigers but with less contrast in their marking.
The parents of the hybrid don't cross paths in the wild and they are said to have been crossbred in captivity just like ligers.Lions are found in Africa mostly while tigers are found in Asia, that's why the crossbreeding of the two is unlikely to occur in the wild.
Tigons aren't bigger than ligers, they don't also exceed the size of their parent species.
Describing a tigon on what it looks like, it's head is like that of a lion and the body is like that of a Tiger, with stripes and also some faded spots. Based on research, lions carry genes for spots and their cubs tend to have spots but faded ones.
Tigons are said to weigh around 180kg and there are only thirty tigons in the world which is sad, and also why they should be protected.All thirty tigons reside in the US. In my opinion, Tigons are big adorable cats that aren't meant to be kept in doors like domestic cats.Some believe they were bred for money and greed and they might be right, but that doesn't make a tigon less attractive, important or less interesting than other cats out in the wild.




God first🙌🙌 Animal lover ❤❤ foodie 😁😁😍😍 beatiful personality 😊😊