This or That… Truly, Natural Bodybuilding Versus Artificial Bodybuilding Pursuits

Cox Twins Fitness
4 min readOct 8, 2017

The difference between what type of fitness people should actually endorse, as opposed to what media and society indoctrinates us to desire.

This ^…

Is artificial…

Bodybuilders and fitness models are something special aren’t they? They are truly the epitome of a muscular specimen. Believe me when I say, that I am not a “hater” or biased in any way when it comes to anything “fitness-related”, but I strongly believe in promoting attainable and realistic fitness goals. So that is why I am going to share with you why I believe it absolutely ridiculous that people actually chase physiques like the ones above.

Bodybuilders and fitness models are extremely disciplined, committed, and exude self-control. I commend them for their ability to pack on muscle and look like top notch athletes. The problem is the general population can not attain this, yet our social media accounts continue to rain these promotions and fitness accounts down on us, making us more confused and envious in the process. Let me expose this truth to you, being that ripped is a full-time job! The general working population that work a generic 9–5pm job or any close variation to it, will never have the ability to get into shape like that of a bodybuilder or fitness model. Bodybuilders and fitness models are gym freaks, literally, they live in the gym, and live for the gym. Not to mention the majority of these fitness models and bodybuilders use performance enhancers, and other shady supplements to get the results that they want. They post pictures that are heavily photoshopped and artificially enhanced. They get cosmetic procedures, and get fake tans, etc. Sadly, the reality is that these are the mentors and gurus that we are looking up to and getting our information from. The other sad fact is that it is hard to separate these people with the authentic and natural ones. When we chase these unrealistic physique goals all it does is leave us empty and disheartened after another string of failed attempts at getting the same body that your fitness mentor has. Not to mention they take our money also…

I want to remind you all that the media, or our Instagram “explore feeds”, etc, lead us to believe that if we do not have chiseled bodies and single digit body fat percentage then we have missed the mark somehow. WELL this just is NOT true! Bodybuilders and fitness models do what they do for cosmetic reasons. They are no longer exercising for their personal health (physical, emotional, mental, psychological, spiritual). Don’t let artificial bodybuilders and fitness models who promote themselves as naturals become anything more to you than what they are… artificial.

That ^…

Is natural…

I see so many people online and on social media platforms who claim to be natural bodybuilders. I am here to tell you that your eyes are trustworthy, if they look even remotely unnaturally big or muscular then you know that they are using supplement products to look that way and they likely devote crazy amounts of time in the gym. Fitness shouldn’t consume your life… it should enhance it. Fitness is a vehicle that can help you grow your success in your personal and professional lives.

The bottom line is that if you have shed through all of your deep visceral fat then you are no longer at risk for complications associated with obesity, and I believe those are the things that matter… quality of life and health. Why are we obsessing over the unattainable? As you can see in the picture above we are in a relaxed and natural embrace, we aren’t trying to flex hard for our audience, because we have nothing to prove. We both have some subcutaneous fat covering our rectus abdominis, and guess what, that is completely healthy and okay. “That” should be your goal, and then don’t stop there, keep going and see how far you can push your limits.

Don’t aspire to be or fall victim to those fitness models and bodybuilders who pretend to be something they or not. There are natural ways to look great aesthetically, and then there is taking things too far. I personally believe looking good, and feeling good is all that matters. The point of this message is to enjoy life, keep up with your social life, make sure to approach your life in a way where you consider your mind, body, and spirit. Always strive to be better, and begin a fitness journey today that fits with your lifestyle.


If any of you have any questions make sure to comment below! I know this was more of a rant, but if any of you are feeling like they are tired of the lies, and tricks of the fitness industry go ahead and follow my Instagram account for the real truth surrounding getting that body you always desired. I will tell you exactly how to get to your fitness goal for free!

Instagram handle: coxtwinsfitness

Cox Twins Fitness



Cox Twins Fitness

Twin brothers with communication and healthy lifestyles coaching backgrounds, devoted to sharing all health-related knowledge. Studying to be personal trainers.