Thinspo: Inspiring Women to Get Into Decent Shape

These pics don’t just make my nature rise, they serve an important purpose

Byron Crawford
4 min readOct 28, 2013


I’ve become a big fan of the thinspo subreddit recently, not because I’m trying to get my body together (that ship has long since sailed), but because those chicks are frickin’ hot!

I’ve been attracted to a number of girls who were madd skinny, over the years, but it didn’t occur to me that I had a thing for “stick chicks,” in the way that I have a thing for girls with ginormous cans, girls who play volleyball, and maybe eight or 13 other random categories of women, until just now.

I’m a black man, in the least meaningful since of the term, i.e. in the sense that I’m the descendent of slaves brought over from Africa (I have no use for Gucci Mane), and I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a grown black woman who would be appropriate for the thinspo subreddit. I guess she could be the before in a composite before and after pic, but they’d have to get someone else to be the after, and what sense would that make?

I’ve seen teenage black chicks who were nice and thin and feminine, which makes me wonder if, if the age of consent were adjusted so that it varied by race, it wouldn’t cut down on the out of wedlock birth rate. Perhaps we could somehow rescue these girls before they get really into Scandal. White guys might even be interested. But I digress.

The thinspo subreddit doesn’t have very many, if any, before and after pics to speak of. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be of much use to me personally. I’m not interested in pics of girls with messed up-looking bodies trying to jog and starve themselves into something that would be appropriate on r/thinspo. I appreciate the effort they put in, but until they see some results they belong elsewhere.

r/thinspo should be the destination, not part of the journey.

I remember hearing about thinspo a while back in the context of it being a problem on Tumblr, but I didn’t pay it any mind, because it sounded like some crazy shit women are into and not necessarily anything I could make use of. I thought thinspo pics had been banned from Tumblr, but I checked just now, and I see that they’re still there, but with the following disclaimer.

The disclaimer that pops up when you try to browse the thinspo hashtag on Tumblr

If you’re blind enough to get a check from the government, like I am, it says, “If you or someone you know is dealing with an eating disorder, self harm issues, or suicidal thoughts, please visit our Counseling & Prevention Resources page for a set of services that may be able to help.”

I should have clicked through to the Counseling & Prevention Resources page, for the sake of journalism, but I didn’t. I was too eager to look at stick chicks, and plus this is just Medium: you don’t get paid extra for follow through. You don’t get paid, period. Just the satisfaction that comes with sharing my knowledge and love with America. You’re welcome.

Tumblr’s thinspo hashtag is a whole different party. There are, in fact, before and after pics of chicks trying to jog and starve themselves into something that would be appropriate on r/thinspo. I was pleased to see the idea I had come to fruition. I’m not the only one who thinks that girls should try to get into decent shape first and then submit pics of themselves for upvotes, apparently. As John Lennon once said, I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I am the walrus.

I notice that none of the girls in the before pics were that bad-looking. Some of them were St. Louis eights. The worst of them was still a St. Louis four. Not that you’d want to see a St. Louis four. I’m just saying—it gets worse. None of them looked sickly or anorexic in their after pics. Either they had the sense to stop when they got nice and skinny, or it just isn’t possible for a chick who starts out so fleshy to get all the way down to problematic skinny.

I did see one or two pics of girls who even I’d agree need to eat a damn sandwich. But they were probably perfect to begin with and then started jogging and starving themselves from there. Or maybe they had some sort of disease, and they’re trying to pass off its effects as the result of hard work and dedication. At any rate, I don’t agree with that. If you’re already skinny and hence perfect, leave that shit alone!

It might be helpful to consult with a guy first, to see if it’s necessary for you to lose weight. I’m willing to give email consultations on a pro bono basis. Just send me your pics.

However, even if some dumb woman did manage to jog and starve herself to death for the sake of thinspo, that would still just be one woman. Think of how many more women die each year because they have the exact opposite problem: they’re entirely too fat. If only they’d been exposed to these pics. Even some of the after girls in the before and after pics could stand to lose a few pounds, truth be told.



Byron Crawford

Best-selling author of The Mindset of a Champion, Infinite Crab Meats and NaS Lost @byroncrawford