Overview: OPML to Feedly

Feedly is an RSS feed reader that lets you collect web-based content in one place so that you can organize it and read it when convenient. There are free Feedly accounts and Android and iOS apps available as well.

Get a Feedly account

Go to https://feedly.com and select the ‘Get Started for Free’ button. You will need to provide an email address to set up an account (or use Facebook or Google to log in). Note that you may need to subscribe to one feed in Feedly before you can use the steps below to import several feeds. Use the steps presented at the time you set up your account to subscribe to any single feed (the selector will offer several choices).

Get your OPML file

An OPML file allows you to follow other climate action leaders’ blogs with one file. Using this system is much faster than adding a blog feed URL one at a time and it will group them into one category on Feedly:

  1. Use a right-mouse click and ‘Save link as…’ to download the OPML file (it will be in .xml format). For Macs use Ctrl+Click and ‘Download linked file’.

Go to Feedly

  1. Open Feedly in a new browser tab. You might have to Add at least one item before you can import the OPML file. Type in a topic, web site or url , e.g. Edublogs.
  1. Click the Follow button
  2. Click ‘+ New Feed’. Enter a Feed Name, e.g. Edublogs
  3. Next, look for and select the Organize Sources button in the left-side navigation, to the right of ‘FEEDS’. (It looks like a gear/cog icon)
  4. On the new right-side content, select ‘Import OPML’ in the upper right corner.
  5. Use the ‘Choose OPML file’ button to navigate to your OPML file and then select ‘Import’ to add these feeds to your Feedly.

Look in the left side navigation, the blogs you wish to follow will now be displayed in the category you have named.

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