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Fish aquarian Gurami pearl - Trichogaster leeri buy in Almaty
Buy Fish aquarian Gurami pearl - Trichogaster leeri
Fish aquarian Gurami pearl - Trichogaster leeri

Fish aquarian Gurami pearl - Trichogaster leeri

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Kazakhstan, Almaty
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Technical characteristics
  • GroupAnabantoidei
  • Type of fishGourami

Gurami pearl - Trichogaster leeri (Bleeker, 1852)

Belontiidae Trichoguster leeri lives on the Malayan peninsula, in Thailand, on Sumatra and Borneo. A large number of this fish is caught in places where locals pour out slops directly in water. Fish reaches in length of 11 cm, is the representative labyrinth, in Europe gets divorced since 1933. A paunch of males of blood-red color, their back fin it is peakedly extended, an anal fin powerful, with the fringed extended beams.

During spawning the male clasps a female and turns her a paunch up, towards a nest from foam. The chain of the berries containing fatty droplets rises to a surface where the male brings together them in a nest. After the termination of an ikrometaniye the female is caught. The male cares for berries and larvae. At the moment when whitebaits begin to leave a nest, the male is otsazhivat. In spite of the fact that T. leeri big fish, her whitebaits are very small and have a small mouth. Also it is necessary to reduce water column height by 5 cm, and the first 3-4 days of whitebaits to feed with infusorians, kolovratka or the smallest naupliya of a Cyclops. 4 days later it is possible to pass on Artemy. Artemy can use and as the first forage of whitebaits, but only their smallest stages. The more roughly thresh the first forage, the more unevenly growth. Whitebaits grow rather slowly. As a spawning vyrastnykh of vessels usually use aquariums with a capacity from 50 l and above. Water: boiled, water, rn 7.0, dGH 10 °, dKH to 2 °, temperature is 25-28 °C.

T.leeri is thermophilic, peace and timid fish. Loves the warm, well grown with plants aquariums and society of peace species of fish. Prefers a live forage, especially a trubochnik, a larva of mosquitoes. Will not refuse also a qualitative artificial forage. In the polluted, oversaturated and badly well-groomed aquariums of fish invasions zhgutikovy of the sort Amyloodinium or to an infectious bacteriosis of skin which is shown in the form of reddened yazvochek then the necrosis (necrosis) of skin leading of fishes to death follows are exposed.

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Fish aquarian Gurami pearl - Trichogaster leeri
Fish aquarian Gurami pearl - Trichogaster leeri
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