Female and young male coatis live in groups called bands, which are made up of 10 to 30 individuals. 
Female and young male coatis live in groups called bands, which are made up of 10 to 30 individuals. 
Photograph by Lunamarina, Dreamstime


Co-what-i? You may not be familiar with this fur ball, which inhabits parts of South America, Central America, and North America. But you no doubt know about the mammal's famous family. The coati is closely related to the raccoon. And like its cousin, this mammal is the size of a large house cat, has a ringed tail, and hangs out in trees.

Snooze and chews

Unlike the nocturnal raccoon, which is active at night, the coati mostly gets its z's when it's dark. These animals turn treetops into bedrooms, even building comfy twig-and-leaf nests in branches for their babies. As a coati sleeps, it tucks its nose into its belly.

During the day, the coati is all about snacking. It uses its long, flexible nose to probe gaps between rocks and search under piles of leaves for grub. Coatis eat insects, fruit, rodents, lizards, and small snakes.

Make some noise

Female and baby coatis eat, sleep, and travel in packs of about 30. At age two, males leave to live on their own. In groups these animals are chatty—they click, grunt, whistle, and bark as they forage for food. So while it may not be as well known as its raccoon relatives, the coati definitely lets you know it's there.