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UPDATE 9-1-2023:

Adjustments on crouching animations
: while crouching one of her legs was suspended , still does but way less, and the toes no longer deform in a ugly way.

Includes a Nude alt.

Gameplay Video:

DOWNLOAD: DL Folder was sent to your DM's / Private Message This past 02-01-2023 , if didn't get it , please go to my DM's and request me the download link.




Aw hell yeah! Busty bikini 👙 babe Zero Suit Samus.


Sory to bother you but I was changing the alt numbers in the config.json and noticed lines that I think refer to King K Rool Ex: "fighter/szerosuit/model/body/c02/krool_piratehat_col.nutexb". Are they meant to be here? If they aren't should I delete or ignore them?