Pan’s Labyrinth and the Importance of Fairy Tales

from HFCS Member James Roberts

Image: Picturehouse

In times like these, I find myself thinking back to fairy tales.

We tend to dismiss fairy tales mere children’s stories, but there’s a wealth of solace and information that can be found within those simple tales that can show us through the darkest times we might face. In fairy tales, we learn lessons on decency, compassion, survival, and humanity. Packaged within those bits of childish fancy are all you really need to know to live a happy and fulfilled life.

This is something Guillermo Del Toro is all too familiar with.

Even the darkest of his tales are filled with bits of whimsy that hearken back to fairy tales and folklore that remind us of the good that exists even in dark times. The director’s 2007 masterpiece, Pan’s Labyrinth, which is now streaming on Netflix, is the perfect reminder of the importance of fairy tales, regardless of your age.

In times like these, when so many of us are suffering in isolation, in sickness, or in grief, it’s important to look back onto simple lessons and remind ourselves who we are.

As this piece from 2017 showcases, I can think of no better film to do that with right now than Pan’s Labyrinth. Del Toro’s Spanish language masterpiece is a testament to the depths of the human soul and humanity’s capability for endurance wrapped in a dark fable that updates the concept of the fairy tale for these modern times.

Come read James’ original review of Pan’s Labyrinth:

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