Guess which one is Photoshopped

This Ralph Lauren model was fired earlier this year for being too fat. At 5' 10" and 120 lbs, Filippa Hamilton (who was with the company since 2002), tells the Daily News, "They fired me because they said I was overweight and I couldn't fit in their clothes anymore."

To add insult to injury, a Ralph Lauren Blue Label ad she appeared in popped up in Japan (and on the internet) last week severely Photoshopped, leading to an onslaught of criticism of the company, and in turn, the company went through a period of denial and threatened anyone who posted the image. Finally, however, they released a statement admitting they turned Hamilton into a bobblehead. It said, in part: "After further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman's body. "

They also said that Hamilton is a "beautiful and healthy" woman... but she's still fired due to failure to meet contract obligations (to look like Skeletor in real life?). Hamilton declares: "I'm very proud of what I look like, and I think a role model should look healthy." Indeed. She appeared on the Today Show this morning, saying that she hadn't even gained weight since the contract was signed. Cosmo editor-in-chief, Kate White, was also on hand, offering Hamilton an 8-page spread in the magazine.