You have seen my Christmas tree that I add flock picks to the tree so it looks like it is flocked.  Now I am sharing a Christmas tree that I sprayed a can of snow on the branches.  OK…so it will not stay there like a true flocking or one that you use the flocking product you can buy, but who knows what this gal might want next year.

I flocked a tree back in 2011 for a wedding and after the wedding I sprayed down the tree with our garden hose to remove all the snow.  It worked great, plus the tree was clean. 🙂

If you are like I am and want a change in your tree for just this year maybe I can help you out.  I had several cans of snow just sitting in the garage and thought what the heck.  A very good friend of mine did it and she gave me the push.  (Thanks again Sharie)!

Here is the product I am using.  I purchased the Santa snow from Dollar General after Christmas and scored it for 25¢ a can.

The first thing I did was fluffed out my tree like I would normally.

I placed my plastic table cloth that I used for my pumpkin carving party under the tree.  If you missed that blog, how I set up my table for a pumpkin carving you can go check that out {{HERE}}.

Shake the can as the directions states and start spraying on the tree.  I made thick piles on each branch.  I placed the snow like it would be on the tree when it snows.

You want to keep shaking the can often.  Spray until the tree is coated the way you want it.


I let it dry for 24 hours.  It could of sat a little longer.  I just didn’t have enough patience to wait any longer. 🙂

With the lights on!

You want to hurry and clean up the mess with warm soapy water.  I had a little on my wall and floor, most of it was on the plastic.

Here is the mess after I decorated the tree.  I removed the plastic because I didn’t want to tip the tree to remove the plastic with my all the ornaments on it.

I am not going to fool you.  Every time I touch the tree or accidentally bump the tree I get a little mess under the tree.  It sure is prettier than just the green tree though, I can handle a little whiteness under there.

Here is the tree all decorated.  I will show you more when I share the whole foyer with you.

Close up and personal. 🙂


I am really loving the look of this tree.  I am wondering how it will look by the time it’s time to put it away.  I will have to keep to let you know how it stayed put.

If you want more inspiration on some cute DIYs my friends Tara at Stilettos and Shiplap & Emily at Le Cultivateur, they both are joining me on decorating our entry ways for the holidays.  All three of us love to decorate our homes on a budget and share how we do that with you.  I will take you right to their DIY.  Click on their name or blog name and I will take you there. 🙂

If you like my blog be sure to CLICK the LIKE button and SHARE it with your friends!  It’s the best way for my blog to grow.  You can pin this to your Pinterest page to save when you want to flock your tree. 🙂  I would love for you to be part of my family so sign up to receive my emails.  Every time I post a blog I will send you an update.  Also follow me on Facebook HERE – Instagram HERE and Pinterest HERE.  Come by and say Hey!

Thank  you again!  Stay strong and stay blessed!

XO  Terrie


  1. Terrie,
    Your tree DOES look amazing, but tell me, how did it go putting it away afterward? Does the snow all fall off everywhere? Would you do it again?


    1. Honestly the whole month it fell off but not more than a normal flocking. I packed it away as it was and this year It still was white….not as much flocked as when I first did it. I decided not to have it flocked this year so I brushed it with a spray bottle and it all came off. It really worked for the year and could of been used this year. I keep mine in the attic which in the supper got really hot so I think that had a lot to do with the tree’s look.

      Robyn, if you want a true flock tree for several years I would recommend to use the flocking products you can buy. But for something maybe two years the can snow works.

      I hope this helps. Thanks for coming over.

  2. Terrie, it turned out so pretty! I’m really in to flocked trees right now and this is remarkable how well it looks when you did it yourself!

    1. Flocked tree is so popular right now. I love the looks of them but hate to go out and buy a tree since I have so many trees now. Maybe someday but for now I will just make my plain trees look flocked. Thank you so much my sweet friend for visiting me!

    1. Thanks Rita. I love the looks of a flocked tree I just can’t seem to go out and buy one. These look like flocked trees will have to work for me now.

    1. Thanks Emily, I seen where you use the Santa snow too. You used something else too. I will have to go look for that product. Your trees are so adorable. My Dollar Tree didn’t have them. 🙁

    1. Tara I know it isn’t the proper flocking but as of right now it sure looks pretty and if I don’t want a flock tree next year so easy to remove. Thank you. I am loving the color that I am using. can’t wait to share.

    1. The tree does look pretty good, I know it won’t stay like that after removing the decorations and storing it, but next year I might not want it flocked so all I have to do is rinse it off. Thank you Cate for your kind words.

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