
cat mom

  • she/her

hi im kyn

i draw sometimes and write code other times

occasionally a vtuber

@hayley is my girlfriend


feeling left out. every single other company is announcing the stupidest, most hostile shit in the world today to try and bury it under the apple event. i wanna announce something stupid and hostile too. let me know what y'all would like to see. some ideas i'm floating include "publicly executing eggbug" but i'm open to suggestions here.


why would jae hold me at gunpoint and force me to draw this

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in reply to @jkap's post:

ban everything that isnt pornography
announce that cohost will now only be accessible and powered by the BYOND client
add a new mandatory field on which final fantasy is your favorite and have it be visible from all comment and rebugs

Make all audio uploads autoplay by default as soon as they are loaded, even if they do so outside the portion of the timeline that is visible in the browser window. Additionally, put the controls to stop this autoplay at the bottom of every audio post (behind a 'read more' fold, if possible), separated from the window displaying the playtime and media information.

Only one user can post in any given hour and you have to bid for the privilege. The resultant drop in stuff to read will be solved by adding a bunch of AI users everyone follows by default.

Notifications presented to you Only in bulk once you have enough, and the amount of notifications it takes before you're notified grows exponentially each time you're notified.*

*this probably only counts as a bad feature if mandatory.

Whenever you post, you are automatically charged for and sent a "poster's lootbox". The quality of lootbox depends on the quality of your post, and if staff decide your post is "a banger" you get an Eggbug Lootbox (potential pulls from an Eggbug Lootbox include one of their severed limbs, the exact geographic coordinates of one of your followers, or $5 Canadian.)

This applies retroactively but existing posters get a bulk discount if they have between 10 and 1,000 posts.

If you make too many popular posts, a bot starts posting automatically to your account for you, using AI to try to convince your followers you're whatever sort of leninist they'll hate the most. If your posts continue to be too good it switches tactics and tries to convince people you're actually a Brand

Unfortunately every single part is the idea is evil, although choosing who is a particularly fun part of the evil. My vote goes towards cohost plus subscribers having monthly review quotas to keep their sub up.

Cohost randomly bans you for 1-8 hours a day.
In a move called, "Data Conservation Control" when people are banned they can't browse, post, or comment on anything meaning the site saves money maybe.

You could also just implement more jump scares into the site.

add a cohost plus feature that lets everyone w/ plus choose one specific person to block one specific other person every month. announce with it that you believe bot nets are not real and if they are then they should pay the cohost team a million dollars to make everyone block each other. its perfect.

increase the price of cohost plus monthly subscriptions but it comes with a free mug subscription except it's like a blind box and every month it's the eggbug mug (and maybe one person gets a "Fuck Computers" mug but they gotta post in the kind of way where you can't tell if they're a plant or not)

Oh wait, no better.
Replace posting with chatgpt. So you can never post directly, only give LLM prompts to affect what's posted from your account and when.
"This is a game changer for efficient and effortless management of your social media presence."

every cohost user is assigned a fictional character they have to RP at all times, chosting out of character is a bannable offense. characters are assigned based on whatever @staff think would be funny. if you complain, you will be assigned a homestuck character, and you will have to make all your chosts in the correct text color with the correct typing quirk.

probably the most feasible bad idea is identity verification. deactivate every user and require them to upload government ID in order to be reactivated, which takes over twice as long as the original queue due to the immense labor cost of manual verification. or you could have Google Bard check em all idk

announce retroactive charges for spaces between words so that posts and comments become hard to read and add a fee of $0.20 per post or comment that uses a space, with a grace period of 5 hours to go back and remove spaces from previous entries to avoid automagically being back-charged the fee for using spaces

and then make comments disable the submit button if the spellcheck has detected spelling issues, which would be triggered by not using spaces

Mandatory script tag. You can put whatever in there but you gotta have one and it can't be empty

Start selling ad space but the only options are a pop-up that covers the whole screen or a 1x1 pixel in a random position autoplaying 4K video, just to fuck up anyone's data

Every user is assigned a list of 5 random users they need to start shit with per week and if you don't start shit with all of them your account is permanently banned

Notification chime whose volume in dB is the number of unread notifications you have

in reply to @kyn's post: