McGuire Twins Face Tough Pair

Panama City News-Herald – March 24, 1974

THEY’RE MCGUIRES – Here are three McGuires.  The hefty ones are the McGuire Twins, 1,400 pounds between them, who will wrestle Thursday night at Rainbow Garden.  Promoter Rocky McGuire is in the center.

The famous McGuire Twins, with a total weight of 1,400 pounds between them, will take on Billy Spears and Gorgeous George, Jr., in a tag team wrestling match in one of the main events next Thursday night at Rainbow Garden.

The McGuire Twins usually wind up smearing their foes but Spears and George have proved tough in previous matches here and figure to be hard to handle.

The other main event will pit Duke Miller, the Gulf Coast champion, against the Medic in a no-holds-barred, anything goes match, and the Medic, who has always worn a mask, will wrestle this time without one.

Bad Boy Hines and Rock Riddle will take on the popular Ken Lucas and Dick Dunn in a tag team match.

Lucas and Dunn beat Gunga Din and Kubla Kahn here last week and will be the people’s choice.

Riddle and Chief Thundercloud are slated for a match to open the evening’s program at 8 p.m.

Last Thursday Miller was disqualified when he left the ring in his match with the Medic.  The Medic first threw Miller oever the top ropes and Miller responded in a like fashion before leaving the scene.

Spears was disqualified in his match with Mike (Hippie) Boyette, and the Bounty Hunter won from Thundercloud in other matches.

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