Dress Rehearsal in Light

tributeA test run of the “Tribute in Light” on Friday. Enlarge this image. (Joe Woolhead/Silverstein Properties.)

Once a year, whether they have set aside other time for remembrance or not, New Yorkers and many residents of New Jersey cannot help but reflect on 9/11, as the night sky over Lower Manhattan is pierced by the twin beams of the Tribute in Light.

For a few alert people, however, the spectacle occurs more than once a year.

In fact, the lights can be seen briefly and sporadically for about a week before Sept. 11.

“Every time they set up the arrays, they have to refocus the lamps, relamp where necessary and do power tests to make sure the generators are working,” said Frank E. Sanchis III, senior vice president of the Municipal Art Society, which coordinates the memorial display. Another power test was to be conducted from 7:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday, he said.

In the picture above, Joe Woolhead, a freelance photographer who works for Silverstein Properties, caught the Tribute in Light at its dramatic best on Sept. 5 from 7 World Trade Center, which Silverstein built and owns.

Financing for the Tribute in Light, which comes primarily from the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation, runs out this year. But Mr. Sanchis said, “I’m hopeful that, working with the L.M.D.C., we can find the funding to do it in 2009.”

The tribute will shine as part of the memorial observances, which include a ceremony at ground zero in the morning. [Schedule.]

During the actual tribute, the lights will be on from dusk on Thursday to dawn on Friday.

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Every year these apparently infinite beams of blue dancing with silver flecks are astonishingly healing. If the city does take over the work of the LMDC as the Mayor wants, will there be any attempt to continue this transcendent project?

Beautiful piece. We should remeber, we should mourn, we should give proper tribute to those lost, but we should also remember to view the 9/11 atrocities in their larger context, something I’ve written about today. Thought you might be interested.

Grace and Peace,
Raffi Shahinian
Parables of a Prodigal World

Every year more New Yorkers reflect on 9/11 and what happened. Will we ever know?

These two beams of light are incredibly special and moving. They choke me up every year. They hit home and make me think of the souls lost who are dancing somewhere up ahead.
A fitting, moving and solemn tribute.
How much can it really cost for two beams of light to dance on the night sky once a year?
And it does heal the soul

I think this is by far the best tribute to 9/11 there is. It’s a nice, quiet, but not small, show of remembrance that everyone can see and take a moment to themselves to reflect. No politics, no arguing over how big or how small or where or when or who’s paying – just peaceful. I happened to be flying back to New York from the West Coast one year on 9/11 and we were landing around 11PM. As the plane approached the city, we could see the lights from many miles away with the city glowing underneath. The Captain pointed it out and as we all moved over to the left side of the plane to see, he thanked everyone for flying that day. I hope the powers that be find a way to make this a permanent tribute.


Better than any physical monument made out of metal or stone.

These twin beams of light should have been all that was done as a memorial. It’s a whole lot cheaper, and way more powerful than the folly of builidng a hideously ugly skyscraper that no one will want to work in.

We in Australia felt your pain in 2001. Any every year on September 11
we remember and sympathize with you. Our love to friends and families
of those lost on this very sad day.

Every year I notice the Tribute in Light, it makes me feel why we don’t have the Twin Towers rebuilt. In a way, it does seem to sound as if the skyline is restored just by looking at. It’s a shame that they couldn’t do this every night until the Twin Towers would get rebuild due to cost. When I first saw them when going off the Queensboro Bridge, I almost thought that they were back.

I watched the towers fall from my south facing office window on the 60th floor of 30 Rock. I lost many friends. I could see the towers every day from my desk. After 9/11 it became a depressing sight and I had them mount a 4×8 foot wipe board in my office right over the window so I didn’t have to see the view every day as it was depressing me severely. Every year I stare at the tower of lights from another office and remember. It has been 7 years and I finally decided it was time to visit the WTC site in person. I took a Path from mid-town, then took the path back to WTC. From what I remember it is still massive carnage there. I am a strong willed person, and not too much bothers me. You become desensitized when you hear now 10 killed in a shooting in a school. Or a 6 y/o shot in cross fire in Brooklyn. 160 men, women and children die in a bomb attack in Iraq. But it took me 7 years to go back to that massive space where 12 close family friends died, and twice as many financial industry co-workers some I knew for 20+ years. I look for those lights that stand tall every year and reflect on what was lost by all Americans, how it has changed all our lives, and the friends lost remembered at that time. Even if we are busy and we forget, the lights will be there to remind us. Of all the things we pay for in our taxes that are absurd, I will gladly pay for the tower of lights.

Neotropical songbird migration is reaching its peak this month. And fall migration is HUGE – all the songbirds – more than 200 species most of which you have probably never seen – of the great northern forests of Canada are flying south to Central and South America and the Caribbean right now, along with all their newly fledged young. To avoid predators, these small birds fly at night, guided by the stars and/or the earth’s magnetic fields and each other’s flight calls.

Tall brightly lit structures and searchlights attract and disorient neotropical migratory birds. Thousands of them die when they are pull off course by these lights, and then become exhausted from flying around and around searchlights and brightly lit skyscrapers. Migratory songbirds that survive in a city until sunrise often die when they collide with walls of mirror-like glass windows or are run over by city traffic.

The twin beams of lights should be turned off between 11 PM and sunrise to prevent the senseless slaughter of thousands of songbirds. Go to Toronto’s FLAP website (Fatal Light Awareness Program) to learn more about this issue. Or read “Songbird Journeys”.

The Twin Beams of light should be lighted every night not just on the 911 anniversary.

The Towers of Light are an very inspired idea, that should be made permanent, while the Freedom Tower project is abandoned in its entirety. The latter has become a symbol not of freedom but of paranoia (10 floors of solid concrete) and bureaucratic infighting that took away any semblance of architectural interest and turned it into a banal reminder that New York is no longer the center of the universe, let alone the capitol of skyscrapers.

Every year I log on to this website so I can see this ephemeral beauty. Living in Alaska it was so difficult being completely cut off from everyone, yet still feeling so connected. This light display gives me pause to remember those who have passed, those who worked so diligently, those who prayed so valiantly and all who perservere with hope for the future.

Project Safe Flight founder Rebekah Creshkoff September 10, 2008 · 11:47 pm

Beautiful and moving as the twin beams are, they DO pose a grave hazard to countless thousands of birds that migrate at night, as Joan Bryan wrote above.

Rebecca wrote about seeing the Tribute from many miles away as she flew toward the city one year. Night-migrating birds see it, too, and because the evolved over many millennia when there was NO light coming from the ground at night — only from the sky above — they find the beams immensely disorienting.

In years when Sept. 11 falls during a new moon, many thousands of birds become behaviorally trapped inside the shafts of light for hours, exhausting themselves by flying in circles. 2004 was such a year. Fortunately, this year the moon will be above the horizon for most of the night, so if the weather is clear, I am reasonably confident we won’t have a disaster.

But even when conditions are favorable, I have watched birds leave the beams only to return. (I imagine it’s like the reverse of leaving a movie theatre after a matinee, when you’re blinded by the light. But the birds are blinded by the darkness, so they return to the light.)

As one who values the natural world, I have to wonder whether it’s correct for us to imperil other species for the sake of our memorial, however moving it may be.

It’s the only thing connected to that day that gives me any peace.

We Will Never Forget September 11, 2008 · 8:42 am

Apparently the New York Times and the New York Post DID forget. Their editors must feel like it’s time to move on and enough papers will be covering 9/11, so they would rather barely mention 9/11, let alone give up the front covers of their newspapers. Shame on you.

This is not meant to be sarcastic: I really can imagine a time when many people will have their own individual twin beams of light, on a smaller scale, and they will light up the night sky every year at this time.

The beams are a fine tribute to the memory of all those who died this day seven years ago. Our thoughts are with them forever.

I caught a glimpe of the testing last night, entering my roof top, and had to sit. It brought me right back 2001 and all of the loss felt. I work at Cantor Fitzgerlad and live in downtown and the lights are a brilliant yet sublte reminder. Please keep the lights on for the fallen. They help us take that NY minute and unite.

Glenn Phillips, Executive Director NYC Audubon September 11, 2008 · 2:30 pm

The Tribute in Light is a moving and marvelous memorial. That, under certain conditions, the Tribute may kill or injure birds seems at odds with its stated purpose. Fortunately, the Municipal Arts Society and NYC Audubon are working cooperatively to monitor the Tribute in Lights to avoid a repeat of 2004, when thousands of birds were trapped by the beams.

The twin beams are the most moving remembrance and should BE the memorial. It is like no other one we have. No more stone chairs, flames, or fountains. It reaches to the heavens and is a beautiful tribute to friends, children, siblings, and parents.

I was a high school student uptown in 2001, commuting through the World Trade Center daily from New Jersey. I recently moved to Brooklyn, and upon coming out of the subway station the other night, I looked up to see the beams of light, and instantly a sense of peace came over me. The beauty and elegance that the towers possessed may never be recaptured, but the twin beams of naked light are the most respectful and elegant memorial. They bring me peace every time they’re there.

I’ve loved the tribute lights. But had never, frankly, given any thought to how it would affect migrating birds until I watched Fox5 News at 5 p.m. today and they played a clip showing the lights illulminated while hundreds and hundreds of birds circled aimlessly, lost in the lights.

Upon reflection, it seems inappropriate that we remember the lives of those who were lost by using something that causes death among nature’s creatures. I certainly wouldn’t want to be memorialized that way, nor would I want a family member to be memorialized by endangering wildlife.

Surely we can come up with a memorial just as moving without this deadly danger to all the birds! Please, let’s look at alternatives for next year…

To all who lost family and friends at the Twin Towers, the Pentagon and on the field in Shanksville, my thoughts and prayers are with you.

God Bless America!