
Why are men obsessed with your butt?

These are the psychological secrets of attracting your butt!

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Popular culture that celebrates curvy women with good butts has its influence on women spending hours in the gym to achieve their dream "peach" and men drooling more than ever. And where does their obsession with your butt come from?

Society is changing, new generations are born, new trends are coming, but men are still obsessed with a good, firm butt. And for this we can primarily blame just evolution. From an evolutionary point of view, man has evolved to he longs for fertile women - a good butt is a signal to the primitive brain that a woman is young and easy going she gets pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby.

But the buttocks is not only a sign of fertility, it is also intimate area and terra incognita (unexplored territory), which also fascinates men because of many other reasons.

Secret territory

As strange as it sounds, it's a butt sacred territory. And men are aware that they are not allowed to pray there, so they are even more attracted to it. You know, the forbidden fruit is the sweetest, especially in the bedroom - men like to do things "from behind" because it's supposed to be socially objectionable, even though it's anal intercourse became something completely normal. A good butt is also the source of sexual fantasies that affect better sexual experience.

The butt is sacred territory.
The butt is sacred territory.

“Something to grasp.”

Men like to knead things, grab them and pound on them - and the butt is the perfect attribute, on which they can experience themselves. We don't just mean during bed games, but also in public while doing everyday things. It seems that this is how men show what they have and are proud of its quality selection. And they relax for free.

An indicator of good health

It's a good butt synonymous with health and sports activity - well, at least men think that a woman with a small butt is healthy, takes care of herself and wants to be the best version of herself. Sports activity has become highly valued in the modern age and many women visit the gym, which "fires" the man even more, because he imagines how do you do exercises in tight leggings, you sweat and work hard, even if you may not have lifted a finger, you are lying on the couch, eating chips and you are grateful because mother nature simply gifted you with a rich "trunk".

A "dream" female trait

Even though we live in a time where we encourage all female body types, the buttocks are considered to be dream property, which according to the unwritten rule every woman should have. Among other things, the attention of men is also attracted by the beautifully curved spine, namely the part of the body where spine meets buttocks.

And, believe it or not, researchers have also found that they are men kind of obsessed with buttocks. When a man sees a woman with a good butt, the area of the brain that activates it is activated drugs or drinks.

It has been scientifically proven that men are obsessed with their buttocks.
It has been scientifically proven that men are obsessed with their buttocks.

The influence of popular culture.

Popular culture primarily celebrates big butts, so it's no wonder they want them women imitate celebrities with good butts and thus attract attention. It's not uncommon for men to want a woman with a good butt by their side because they want each other to convince, that there really are women with such wealth in the real world.

This one the epidemic is growing and it seems to show no signs of abating. And if you want to meet these "diseases“, quickly to the gym!

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