Andy Fastow: The Fussy Executive

Andy Fastow was the fussiest of all Enron executives. He spent lavish sums on his clothing. In most pictures, he’s put together very well – typically in greyish suits and very subdued ties. Personally, I always wanted to see him in a very black suit with maybe a deep blue tie, but that does not appear to be his style. To his credit, blue shirts also do not seem his style.

Because he spent so much on clothing, and because he seemed to have a style, it was odd for him to show up at Jeff Skilling’s and Dr. Lay’s trial two days in a row in the exact same grey suit and tie. I can’t figure that one out.

Anyway, he is a good if bland dresser – though his shoes are always screamingly perfect. Love his shoes. Every time.


Here he is in a darkish suit with a tie that has yellow flecks in it. This is the Andy Fastow version of “outrageous.” Looks good but I think the tie is just barely crooked.


This is the same day but for some reason the light is different and the suit looks darker. I like this one better.


Very elegant.


This appears to be his favorite tie. The orange is actually attractive, and looks terrific next to that dark jacket. But the pattern makes me think his wife’s cat threw up on him before he left that morning. Check out the various times he’s worn it though (and yes, they’re all taken on different days):






I like seeing guys in suits (shut up, Evan) but Fastow actually looks better, I think, in casual wear. There is something “casual” about his frame. I don’t quite understand what this factor is, but Andy’s got it. Despite all that money spent on beautiful suits, he looks smashing in a polo and khakis.


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