A. Gary Anderson
Graduate School of Management

UCR School of Business Faculty Awards 2022

‘I Would Take His Class Again in a Heartbeat’

“Experiential learning” is a term bandied about in academia, but how does it work in practice? Associate Professor of Management Ye Li at UCR’s School of Business lays out exactly what it looks like within his graduate courses.
By Laurie McLaughlin |
Consumer choosing a product

If "New" Doesn’t Mean Improved, Why Do We Still Choose It?

Suppose you had a chance to bid on two identical boxes of chocolates, both with the same expiration date, both stored in the refrigerator. The only difference: One was purchased off the shelf a week ago, the other was purchased today.
By Darin Estep |
Hand with pen, filling out survey

Surveys with Repetitive Questions Yield Bad Data, Study Finds

Surveys that ask too many of the same type of question tire respondents and return unreliable data, according to a new UC Riverside-led study.
By Holly Ober } UCR News |
Dr. Ye Li with graduate students, UCR School of Business

Decisions, Decisions: Professor Helps Students Understand Why We Do What We Do

Professor Ye Li knows why you are checking Twitter instead of working on that project that’s due next week.
By Darin Estep |