Script idea/request - crosseye 3D

Hi, i recently learned how to view cross eye 3D effects, and noticed that they are easy to achieve in blender, by duplicating objects and setting them side by side. But this applies only along one axis and is uncomfortable. Would it be possible to create a script, that splits the viewport in half, and offsets the view by xxx degrees, to simulate different viewing angles.

This would be pretty awesome, to see your models in 3D :slight_smile:

Those who havent seen cross eye 3D yet, check out these imaegs.

What do you think?

Indeed great! I now (after some training) can the the 3D images of the 3 examples without problem!
More or less the same technique as ‘magic-eyes’ from the 90ties (last century) isn’t it?

Hmm how to do in Blender …
I tried this …
1 split the 3DView (could be done in Python)
2 rendered the image and saved it as e.g. rendered1.png
3 rotated the (default cube) around z axis a bit and rendered
4 loaded the saved image in the other (after changing the other to UVview)
and voela two a bit different pictures to try.

This was more or less successful, have to ‘learn’ what really should be done? Moving the camera a bit?
Will try :wink: … yes if this is done ok and maybe a nice background too?

If this is a working idea … one could try to make a script (addon) :eyebrowlift: