United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD)

United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD)

International Affairs

Washington, District of Columbia 3,077 followers

a strong unequivocal voice for #Macedonia and #Macedonians

About us

Based in Washington, D.C. with operations throughout the U.S., Australia, Canada, and Europe, the United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) is the leading global voice for Macedonia and Macedonians. Become a member by visiting: http://www.umdiaspora.org/index.php/en/get-involved-umd/2012-07-20-12-26-46

International Affairs
Company size
2-10 employees
Washington, District of Columbia
Macedonia, Macedonian, Human Rights, Democracy, Religious Freedom, NATO, European Union, Enlargement, Macedonians, Macedonian minority in Greece, Macedonian minority in Bulgaria, and Macedonian minority in Albania


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    Ко-основачот на ОМД Шведска и големиот македонски фолантроп Антонијо Трпевски од Шведска, заедно со својата сопруга Пирко Т. Киленен, донираа биста на Томас Транстрoмер кој ќе послужи како мост за зближување на двете држави и култури во името на културата и музиката. ОМД е горда и благодарна на Антонијо за сите негови активности и заложби за Македонија и македонскиот народ🇸🇪🇲🇰 The co-founder of UMD Sweden and the great Macedonian philanthropist Antonijo Trpevski from Sweden, together with his wife Pirrko T. Kyllönen donated a bust of Thomas Transtromer which will serve as a bridge to bring the two countries and cultures together in the name of culture and music. UMD is proud and grateful to Antonio for all his activities and commitments for Macedonia and the Macedonian people🇸🇪🇲🇰 Medgrundaren av UMD Sweden och den store makedonske filantropen Antonijo Trpevski från Sverige donerade tillsammans med sin fru Pirrko T. Kyllönen en byst av Thomas Transtromer som kommer att fungera som en bro för att föra de två länderna och kulturerna samman i kulturens namn och musik. UMD är stolta och tacksamma mot Antonio för alla hans aktiviteter och åtaganden för Makedonien och det makedonska folket 🇸🇪🇲🇰 https://lnkd.in/dsqYYYsa

    Поставена биста на Томас Транстромер во седиштето на СВП

    Поставена биста на Томас Транстромер во седиштето на СВП


  • Денеска го празнуваме денот на светите браќа Св. Кирил и Методиј, познати како апостоли на Словените, патрони на Европа и словенски просветители. Солунчаните кои одиграа клучна улога во во описменувањето на Источна Европа, се до Украина и Русија, преку нивните мисионерски потфати и голготи. Нивното создавање и стандардизирање на глаголицата ги постави темелите на кирилицата, подоцна развиена од свети Климент Охридски и свети Наум Охридски, исто така родени под сонцето македонско. Ова писмо стана суштинско во преведувањето на Библијата и другите религиозни текстови, предизвикувајќи ја доминацијата на грчкиот, латинскиот и хебрејскиот јазик во црквата. Како Македонци, наша должност е да го зачуваме нашиот јазик, кој е длабоко испреплетен со аманетот на Св. Кирил и Методиј, обезбедувајќи никој да не може да ни го одземе ова основно право. Today marks the celebration of Sts. Kiril and Metodij, renowned as Equal to the Apostles, Apostles of the Slavs, Patrons of Europe, and Slavonic Enlighteners. They were born in Solun and played a pivotal role in spreading Christianity across Eastern Europe, including Ukraine and Russia, through their missionary endeavors. Their creation and standardization of the Glagolitic script laid the foundation for the Cyrillic alphabet, later developed by St. Clement of Ohrid and St. Naum of Ohrid, both from Macedonia. This script became essential in translating the Bible and other religious texts, challenging the dominance of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew in the Church. As Macedonians, it's our duty to preserve our language, which is deeply intertwined with the legacy of Sts. Kiril and Metodij, ensuring that no one can deprive us of this fundamental right.

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  • Честит ден на влашката заедница! Денес го прославуваме Светскиот ден на припадниците на Влашката заедница во Македонија. Власите се нераскинлив дел од нашето македонско општество и како такви придонесуваме и твориме за развојот на Македонија. Happy National Vlach Day! Today, we celebrate the World Day of the members of the Vlach community in Macedonia. The Vlachs are an inseparable part of our Macedonian society and as such we contribute all together for the development of Macedonia.

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  • 🎉 **Embark on a Journey to Your Macedonian Roots and register before the Deadline this Friday!** 🎉 Experience the adventure of a lifetime with Birthright Macedonia 2024, provided by the United Macedonian Diaspora and MCIC! From June 28 to July 19, 2024, dive into the vibrant culture and history of Macedonia alongside fellow students. Explore ancient landmarks, indulge in mouthwatering cuisine, and forge lifelong connections with your Macedonian heritage. Plus, don't miss the chance of visiting Skopje and Matka Canyon, where breathtaking natural beauty meets rich history. Join us for Birthright Macedonia 2024 and let the wonders of Macedonia captivate your heart! https://lnkd.in/dxXqRiAX

  • Support second-generation Canadian Macedonian Stefan Nicoloff in creating a digital catalogue "Textiles of Macedonia" (a tentative title). This catalogue aims to give the reader insight into the clothing and material culture of Macedonia, through photographs and academic writing focused on a collection of textiles from the late 19th to early 20th century. This collection spans 15 different areas of Macedonia (villages and regions), and includes a handful of family heirlooms (including a 100 year old baby blanket). The digital catalogue will include informational texts about the regions and textiles, along with professional photographs of the collection, and a commentary from the collectors detailing their journeys throughout Macedonia. https://lnkd.in/g5B_Eihv

  • Are you ready for an unforgettable summer adventure in Macedonia? 🌍 The application deadline for the Summer 2024 Birthright Macedonia program is fast approaching! This unique opportunity is designed specifically for students of Macedonian heritage to explore their roots, immerse themselves in the rich culture, and build lifelong connections. Why join Birthright Macedonia? Cultural Immersion: Experience the beauty and traditions of Macedonia firsthand. Networking: Connect with other young people of Macedonian descent from around the world. Internship: Get paired with an institution, company, or agency that aligns with your career objectives for a three-week internship Heritage Exploration: Learn about your ancestry and the history of Macedonia through curated activities and tours of Skopje, Bitola, and Ohrid, and attend the famous European wedding festival Galichnik Important Details: Application Deadline: May 24, 2024 Program Dates: June 28-July 19, 2024 Don’t miss out on this incredible journey to rediscover your heritage and make memories that will last a lifetime. Apply today and embark on an adventure like no other! Apply Now: https://lnkd.in/dxXqRiAX Feel free to share this opportunity with fellow students of Macedonian descent who might be interested. We look forward to receiving your application!

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    Честит ден на Македонското Знаме!🇲🇰🌞 Денес да ги преплавиме социјалните мрежи со македонски знамиња со споделување на ваши фотографии со нашето преубаво сонце кое секогаш свети на нашето знаме! 🇲🇰🌞 #ДеннаМакедонскотоЗнаме

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