
Kassandra Leigh Purcell

Ask @KassandraLeighPurcell

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How long did it take you to become comfortable being naked online and knowing that just about anyone can look at your pictures!?

I never looked at nudity as taboo. I didnt think it was some horrible shame to hide from people. In fact on my 18th birthday after blowing out the candles on my little cake a family member asked "So what are you excited for being 18?!" "I CAN DO PORN!" I laughed and almost gave myself stomach pain from laughing so hard seeing my dads face. My dads family are actually cool about it. I specifically remember my gma being like "WAIT YOU CAN SELL TOE NAIL CLIPPINGS?! WHY DIDNT ANYONE TELL ME" in re: my former domme work. My Moms cool with it now but her family are dicks who I had no problem severing from my life without hesitation. If someone has a problem with my moral choices I see no reason to keep that dead weight on ship ^__~

How do you relax after a con?

Unlike most ppl who get post-con depression im always super jazzed to come home! Home to my own bathroom, bed and cats! I throw off my clothes and EAT EVERYTHING lol Most cons i eat as little as possible because i have stomach problems so when i get home we usually get celebratory Taco Bell or pizza! If im extra luck Conri will make my fav meat which is a super cheesie risotto with smoked kielbasa *___* But yeah i shower (a bath if i was able to afford some goodies from my fav bath bomb company Witch Baby Soap), eat, apply face to a cat and catch up on shows we watch like Agents of Shield n stuff

If your country captured Somalian pirates and brainwashed them into being human dogs (crawling, drooling, etc..) and people got them as pets in your country, would you get one? lol

I much prefer cats. Humans crawling and drooling such more more akin to toddlers. You can check them into Pre-K yourself Im no one's Nanny. Id much prefer if they went back to sea and send all their money to me <3

Who is your biggest influence in cosplaying?

Emanuel Hinojosa
Im not really influenced by other cosplayers when it comes to my own cosplay work? Or maybe im not thinking of it right? But the things that inspire me to cosplay is a mix of my love for a character as well as a desire to photograph it! For me its about creating the imagery above everything. I love weaving all the things i love into one big yarn ball when I can
Liked by: Alucard1973

What's the most obscure game you've played?

No idea. Recently iv been playing some smaller games like The Beholder & Oxenfree. But I mean... I had the Sailor Moon RPG book as a kid.Which even some hardcore moonies didnt know existed?lol

(I asked the lighting question) - all of my photos turn out grainy and noisy even on the lowest ISO when I shoot in a shadow and I figured it could also be the sensor, no? or because of not providing enough light on the subject?

Again all super subjective without knowing the situation but yes it could be all those things really
Liked by: Alucard1973

Were you more of a good kid or more of a bad kid?😂

If left to my own devices I was an angel lol I liked to sit in a room quietly and draw. I didnt like to socialize with other kids. I was more of a read by myself kind of gal. But because I dressed strange and had equally strange opinions I wasnt afraid to share that made me a target. So growing up I learned to fight pretty quick. What I also learned was that it didnt matter if i wasnt the one to start it - the blame always fell to the party who was more adored by the numbers. A life lesson if there ever was one!
Liked by: Alucard1973

What do you know about yourself that makes you feel beautiful and accomplished? :)

My biggest achievement in life has been carving out a place for me to belong. For a load of reasons- i dont suit office or "dayjob", life. I crammed myself into that mold and my innate overachieving perfectionist would run me to the bone for people who gave 2 fucks about me or my efforts. But 2016 I stood up and I picked Conri up with me. Being self employed and surviving is one thing but to be able to bring someone else with me is insane to fathom. Sure I cant afford to get my teeth fixed, i dont make a ton of money or live in a fancy house....but im less of a horrible crazy human being now! I can breath and focus on creating. AND i get to encourage someone else to do the same! In this world it is a very rare thing to be able to do. Or be able to endure the stress to do- i think as well. Im always hungry for more. To climb higher and i hope ill be able to bring others with me in the future.
I dont know if this makes me feel attractive. But it makes me feel Powerful. Which is even better <3

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i have a client and idk how much to charge her for a photoshoot. i plan on doing it by the hour. please help. i have some work on deviantart if you want to see to help judge

Kosei Sui
Knowing what rates to charge for a photoshoot is no easy thing! So on one hand you are not alone in struggling with this but on the other hand you arent going to find an easy answer. It relies a lot on you answering certain questions about yourself.
On avg, how many hours do you work on the shoot including pretalk, set up, shooting, break down and of course - retouching.
What is the cost of operation? How much are you spending on gear, rentals, gas etc in the year?
How many gigs do u get a year?
Ideally you want to figure out with how many gigs a year you have- how many hours you would need to work at what rate to be at least equal with your expenses of operating. From there it goes up with how confident you are with your product, if the shoot benefits your book of if its purely for the client -etc

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Liked by: Alucard1973

"Потому что Москва порт семи морей!" А как вы отвечаете на риторическо-филосовские вопросы?

Thanks to the Moscow Canal, Moscow has access to five seas: the White Sea, Baltic Sea, Caspian Sea, Sea of Azov, and the Black Sea. This is why Moscow is sometimes called the "port of the five seas" (порт пяти морей).
Liked by: Alucard1973

What do you use for lighting? Any advice for a portable and not heavy reflector/softbox?? Please help, I'm using a Nikon D5200 and it takes bad pics in low light settings and daylight is often unreliable! Other than that it would be bomb if you'd make a post about your fav camera and light equipment

Honestly if you are saying your camera is giving you variable results even in bright daytime light the problem is your settings not that you need more equipment . Even with a shitty old camera if you have manual settings you should be able to get nice shots in daylight. IE: I almost NEVER shoot in a mode other than manual. I set my ISO, Fstop and shutterspeed all myself and shoot in raw to tweak whitebalance later. I wish you explained a bit more what "unreliable" meant IE: What was the variable you wanted to control so i could give a better answer!
I often shoot fully manual with prime lenses when im out on location. I tend to use a 35prime or a 85 prime shooting between f2 and f5-6 tops?
You can achieve great things with just shooting in shade if you need - using the sun behind the model as a hair light. But if you want a rig thats good for portability I highly suggest checking out the Rapid Boxs by Wescott! I rarely get permits and we shoot nudes very "run and gun" so i need gear that can be set up and taken apart real fast. Something that i can just strap to my ApeCase Pro and run back into the woods like i was never there. I love these thingss

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What was the last thing you made with your own hands?

Hmm I like to mod things for the sake of time but the last thing i made 100% myself with no help or base product was my DBZ armor chestpiece ^__^
Liked by: Alucard1973

Hello Kassandra, How are you doing today?

Welp. Today is Pt2 of cat day. Yesterday I had a business meeting with a potential shibari rigger and came home to taking in a stray kitten. Some blood and chaos later shes inside. Now we are going to try and get the mother cat indoors to be taken to a forever home with hopes! Wish me luck my fellow cat people! *Salute* We do what we can because we must *__*
Liked by: Alucard1973

Which series would you recommend watching now?

If you havent already binged The Strain DO IT NOW! Call out of work. Put on a diaper. Pile drinks around you and watch it. The Walking Dead gets such buzz as *the* October show to watch but you are missinng out on Del Toro's The Strain. This show takes the lore of the vampire and brings it into the modern day to confront it with science. The scale of it just blows your mind as the show goes on - and of course is a visual treat unlike any other. As a photographer the use of color is so engaging for me! But if you are a fan of the zombie you may enjoy some of the motifs that go on in the show since it certainly isnt a singular dark entity you deal with. I cant say more without giving much away but trust me and watch it!
Now that we have to wait for another season - im catching up on another supernatural series Preacher!

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Would you consider doing a Patreon set cosplaying as Daria Morgendorffer if someone bought you the items needed for the character?

Sure! I mean im more of an aesthetic Jane but i could always throw a wig and jacket onto my wishlist. Do i get to stare deadpan unenthused into the camera the entire time? PM me on FB if you want to chat it out!


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