CCGS Captain Molly Kool


Canadian Coast Guard




CCGS Captain Molly Kool

Project Overview

The CCGS Captain Molly Kool was an Anchor Handling ship build of the north sea oil and gas sector and purchased by CCG as a promising icebreaking asset to the fleet. To complete this coast guard mandate, Molly Kool needed an increase to crew accommodations. VARD Canada was tasked to provide the engineering to complete the refit and AMS was proud to provide design support to VARD for the required accommodation upgrade.


AMS embedded a designer and a structural engineer in the VARD office, ensuring no security concerns and alignment with VARD operating procedures, as well as facilitating an integrated team environment to directly support an iterative design approach (8 GA options were down selected to 2) in the effort to create the most cost-effective design option.  Delivery included drafting options, competing high level structural impact assessments of the design and taking part in collaborations with CCG team members.

AMS was proud to partner with VARD on this project, provide capable embedded team members in support, and demonstrate our client-shaped approach that works to create solutions to the specific client needs of both VARD and CCG.