Tigons & Ligers

Tigons & Ligers

One of the more interesting things I found out recently is the existence of lion and tiger hybrids. Yes I did not know it before! I had always suspected it but I did not know. It just never occurred to me. I had read about inter-species mating. I had known examples of the same but a lion and a tiger strangely never happened to co-exist in the realms of my head. Yes I can be very thick headed at times. Anyway it turns out that there are these animals called tigons (or tiglons) and ligers (Ha! I am not the only stupid one: the dictionary has a squiggly red line under all the three words asking me for a spell check).  Here is a description from its wiki page:

Ligers and tigons are hybrids, the offspring of the pairing of a lion and a tiger. Ligers have lion fathers and tiger mothers. They usually grow much larger than their parents, and female ligers (sometimes called ligresses) can sometimes have babies. Tigons (also called tiglons) have tiger fathers and lion mothers. They are usually smaller than their parents. Lions are very social animals while tigers tend to be lonely and live by themselves. The offspring of a lion-tiger share the conflicting instincts of both parents. Sometimes they seek out interaction with other big cats, but other times they will attack them. So, they can be a danger if they are raised with other big cats. In general, however, ligers are gentle, even-tempered and tolerant.

In addition, ligers are the largest of the big cats. Here is some more information, of course, from the same page:

Both hybrids have a combination of lion and tiger physical characteristics. However, the Ligers look more like their lion fathers with a hint of light striping on their backs and faces. Tigons have more defined striping like their tiger fathers. Like tigers, the striping pattern is unique to each individual animal. Tigons can also have small manes or spots.

They even have off-springs. There are such things as li-ligers and li-tigons along with ti-ligers and ti-tigons: these are mixes of ligers and tigons with lions and tigers.


Here are their pictures for reference sake:

Ligers and Tigons

P.S: There are also breeds like jaglions (or jaguons), liguars and taguons. You can read all about them here. The world is an incredibly amazing place!

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