This week's pick:

Saturday, March 6, 2010

CLARA de NOCHE by Andy Kuhn

Unfortunately this week got away from me.
I wanted to do a nicer version of this
Clara de Noche piece, but I ran out of time.
Instead I gussied up my sketch with a little photoshop.
Once I get the finished version done i'll post it as well.
Thanks for looking.

Friday, March 5, 2010

CLARA DE NOCHE by Mr. Hawthorne

YAY! It's my week to pick and I chose a...hooker! Hope you're all cool with that ;)

Anyway, I feel I should set this piece up. It's a nod to a strip by Bernet where Clara, and her friend Virgina, are walking around town and finding grafitti proclaiming the writer's love for Clara. Virgina thinks it's romantic, but Clara finds this very annoying. That is till they come across one message that says "Clara! Price is no object", to which she responds "Now, THERE'S a man that can write.".

Here's the strip-

(This strip was translated into English in the book "The Art of Jordi Bernet")

So, basically mine says "Clara, price is STILL no object". Meaning, you STILL got it Clara - and Mr. Bernet. ;)

Hope you dig it.


Thursday, March 4, 2010

CLARA DE NOCHE by tom fowler

here's my clara. it probably owes more to jack cole than jordi bernet. not sure how successful it is at either.

Clara de Noche by Steve Bryant

Kudos to Mike for picking Clara! I was completely unfamiliar with the character, so it was a pleasant learning experience — any time I'm introduced to more work by Jordi Bernet is a good thing!

I know that Clara was based on Bettie Page, but since I included Betty (Cliff Secord's girlfriend, also based on Miss Page) in my Rocketeer Twart, I wanted to change up the facial structure for this one and went with a more heart-shaped face. Hopefully, the character still comes through.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Clara de Noche by Chris Samnee

Afraid I've only time for another quickie this week... but I'm sure Clara is pretty used to that by now ;)
If you're fluent in French you can get all of the beautiful, hilarious and definitely not all ages albums of Jordi Bernet's Clara de Noche here.
There was also an English language "Best Of" volume, put out by Auad Publishing, a few years back that is unfortunately out of print now.
Here's hoping we'll all be lucky enough to get some more English language volumes soon.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

CLARA DE NOCHE by Francesco Francavilla

Chiara di Notte
(click on the above image for larger view)

Not as much planning went into this one as much I would have liked (especially considering how much I love Bernet's CLARA DE NOCHE books) but I wanted to put something up since it's Tuesday evening already :P
Hope you guys dig it the same :)


Johnny Recon by Nathan Fairbairn

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. And maybe you're right. But I don't care. I still say that if you're drawing a space raygun and it doesn't look like a hairdryer with a dildo stuck in it, then you're drawing it wrong.

Johnny Recon (redux) by Dan McDaid

Wow, I am SO late with this one. But I hope you dig it, anyway.

It's called "Why Is This Man Smiling?" :)


Johnny Recon by Steve Bryant

My apologies to Mitch for the lateness of this Twart. Johnny Recon is a terrific character and I had a blast playing around with this piece (which is my clumsy nod to Al Williamson, Wally Wood and Frank Frazetta).

If you want to see more Johnny (and believe me, you DO want to see more), you can make a big difference by contributing to Scott Dillon and Mitch Gerads' Johnny Recon Kickstarter campaign. It's money well-spent.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Johnny Recon by Ron Salas

Here's my belated Twart. Apologies to Mitch for being late but I really wanted to capture this idea. I've been meaning to have this up sooner but things kept getting in the way.

Updated with the coloured poster version.

JOHNNY RECON by Evan Shaner

Thought I'd try and sneak this in there just as Clara de Noche week is starting. I did this one wholly digitally and it took me waaaaay longer than I expected, thus the day-late posting. I took just about everything I could from the first issue, everything else I made up. Scott and Mitch have a great character on their hands.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

JOHNNY RECON (sorta) by Mr. Hawthorne

Mitch, and everyone following along with the blog. Please accept this I.O.U. in place of the actual JOHNNY RECON piece I was going to post. The week started with two very sick kids, and a trip to the ER. It ended with two very sick parents and me not finishing the piece I intended to do.

Very sorry, Mitch. I hate to let you down but promise to make it up.... er....s'cuse me..........

.....hmm, uh.... sorry about that.

So, uh, as I was saying...I promise to make it up to you soon.


JOHNNY RECON by Declan Shalvey

Neeeeaaaarrrrrllllly didn't get this done this week. I pencilled out a version, decided i hated it, then decided to redo it, then realized i didn't really have the time, then did it anyway out of guilt!A rollercoaster of emotion, as you can imagine.

It was tough to come up with an image i liked for this week's Twart. I basically just drew Mal Reynolds really.


Johnny Recon by Chris Samnee

Here is my contribution for this week's theme, Mitch Gerads and Scott Dillon's Johnny Recon. This is a fun character and I wish I had more time to work on this sketch. This one took about 30 minutes and it was a struggle to find that kind of free time in my week. As always, I'm blown away by what everyone else has created here this week!