Page 5 of 6 pages
(89 pictures)
Picture relating to Irvinebank - titled 'School of Arts at Irvinebank, North Queensland, 1904'
Picture relating to Irvinebank - titled 'View of Irvinebank from the hospital, 1904'
Picture relating to Kingaroy - titled 'Carrollee Hotel in Kingaroy, Queensland, established in 1904'
Picture relating to Charleville - titled 'Lemon and Enright store in Charleville, ca. 1904'
Picture relating to Warwick - titled 'Scene outside W. Flitcroft's Coach Works, Warwick, 1904'
Picture relating to Warwick - titled 'Denham Brothers' offices and salerooms, Palmerin Street, Warwick, 1904'
Picture relating to Warwick - titled 'Warwick Farmers' Milling Company Limited Flour Mill, 1904'
Picture relating to Cleveland - titled 'Group of ladies and one young man gathered in the shade of the shelter at the end of the jetty, Cleveland, ca. 1904'
Picture relating to Charters Towers - titled 'Garden scene on a property in Charters Towers, north Queensland, ca. 1904'
Picture relating to Charters Towers - titled 'First Methodist Church in Charters Towers, Queensland, ca. 1904'
Picture relating to Charters Towers - titled 'Fire Brigade at Charters Towers, Queensland, 1904'
Picture relating to Bowen - titled 'Jetty in Bowen, 1904'
Picture relating to Toowoomba - titled 'M. J. Laracy's Harp of Erin Hotel in Toowoomba, ca. 1904'
Picture relating to Blackall - titled 'Weighing in after the first race at Blackhall, 1904'
Picture relating to Boulia - titled 'Boulia Shire Council Chambers, Boulia, ca. 1904'
Picture relating to Colinton - titled 'House at Colinton Station, Queensland, 1904'

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Carrollee Hotel in Kingaroy, Queensland, established in 1904

contributed by QldPics, taken in 1904
(contact QldPics about this picture)

Settled in the 1870s by the Markwell brothers, Kingaroy expanded when the railway came through in the 1890s. It was traditionally known as a centre for growing peanuts and navy beans but since the 1990s it has become the centre for an important wine growing region in the South Burnett area. (Information taken from South Burnett tourism website, 2002-2006, retrieved 3 July 2007 from

Bonzle has pictures of Kingaroy spanning 112 years taken from 1904 to 2016:

This picture is part of the following Bonzle photo collections:

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