Traditional Catholic  


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      The Heresy of Modernism...
      aggiornamento [adaptation to the modern world]

Aggiornamento, an adjournment of the Code of Canon law, as John XXIII said himself in his 1959 speech

Angelo Roncalli, John XXIII

Roncalli pictured here in 1953 with the anticlerical and antimilitarist Édouard Herriot. Herriot rose to leadership of the Anti-Catholic Radical Socialist party (the dominant party in France from 1899 to 1940), was arrested in 1942 and taken to Germany in 1944. After being freed in 1945, he resumed leadership of the Radicals. Herriot served from 1947 to 1954 as president of the national assembly. He was ardent advocate of a European confederation, for which he set forth a plan in The United States of Europe.

Roncalli receiving his cardinal hat from the masonic socialist Vincent Auriol, a French statesman, first president (1947-54) of the Fourth Republic, Socialist deputy after 1914, he was finance minister (1936-37) and minister of justice (1937-38). Released from custody in 1941, he worked in the French underground and in 1943 left France. A member of the provisional government (1945), he was elected (1946) president of the national assembly, resigned from the Socialist party in 1959.

Roncalli signing Pacem in Terris, April 11, 1963, which makes explicit reference to the UN and to the Declaration of the Rights of Man (formally condemned by Pope Pius VI):
"The essential goal of the United Nations is to maintain and to consolidate the peace between peoples, of developing among them amicable relations founded on the principle of equality, of reciprocal respect and the broadest collaboration in all areas of human activity | One of the most important acts accomplished by the UN was the Universal Declaration of the Rights of Man approved December 10, 1948 by the General Assembly of the United Nations | Certain points in this Declaration have elicited objections and been treated to justified reservations. However, We consider this Declaration as a step toward the establishment of a juridico-political organization of the world community. "

Giovanni Battista Montini, Paul VI, freemason

Montini with six non-catholic observers who advised regarding the post-Vatican II liturgy. From left to right - Dr. George, Dr. Jasper, Dr. Shepherd, Dr. Kunneth, Dr. Smith, Dr. Thurian, and Montini.

"When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand." Matthew 24:15

" ... the abomination of desolation foretold, was partly fulfilled in diverse profanations of the Temple of Jerusalem, when the sacrifice and service of God was taken away. But specially it shall be fulfilled by Antichrist and his Precursors, when they shall abolish the holy Mass, which is the Sacrifice of Christ's Body and Blood, and the only sovereign worship due to God in His Church ... By which it is plain that the heretics of those days will be special fore-runners of Antichrist." (Matthew 24:15 - "Annotations," The New Testament, 1582, The English College of Rhemes, John Fogny, page 71)

Here above, Montini and a masonic handshake with Dr. George

Montini and the schismatic Patriarch of Constantinolpe, Athenagoras, rescinding the 1054 excommunications of the Great Schism. January 5, 1964.

Another masonic handshake

Montini gave the Papal tiara, his pectoral cross and fisherman's ring to UN Secretary General U Thant, who sold them. November 14, 1964

Montini giving Communion to the faithful standing, reported April 1, 1965.

Montini with the United Nations President Amintore Fanfani (left) and Secretart U Thant (right), October 4, 1965

Montini at the United Nations, October 4, 1965

Montini receives stand ovation, October 4, 1965

Montini addressing the United Nations, October 4, 1965, called it "the last, best hope of mankind,"

Montini wearing the Ephod.

Defined as a richly embroidered, apronlike vestment having two shoulder straps and ornamental attachments for securing the breastplate, the Ephod is worn by the high priest. [Ex. 28:6, 7, 25-28]

"[He] knows very well what this 'Breastplate of Judgment,' the Ephod signifies; he knows its origins in the ritualistic dress of the Ancient Covenant [i.e. the Old Testament]; he is not ignorant of the fact that Masons today use it as a distinctive mark of their high priest" - Fr. Joaquin Saenz y. Arriaga, S.J. (Doctor of Theology, Church History, and Canon Law).

Montini receiving Nicholas Podgorny, Chairman of the USSR Supreme Soviet, in January 1967.

Montini historic meeting with the schismatic Anglican Archbishop Fisher of Canterbury (Anglican Orders were declared invalid by Pope Leo XIII)

Montini receiving Josip Broz Tito, Yugoslav Communist leader, marshal of Yugoslavia, at the Vatican in March 1971.

Yet another masonic handshake

Montini and a horrific crucifix

Montini burial in a plain pine box with no crucifix

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